Saturday, December 10, 2016

How is automobile manufacturing process manufacturing workpieces components used product

Rolls-Royce, How to build a jumbo jet engine -HQ- (Part 1/4)

In 1908, Henry Ford began production of the Model T automobile With its original design model A first manufactured in 1903, the Model T was five years to develop its creation inaugurated what we know today as the assembly line mass production this revolutionary idea is based on the concept of simple assembly of interchangeable components parts Before this time, coaches and buggies had by specialized craftsmen who rarely reproduced been handmade in a small number unity Ford special innovative design has reduced the number of parts required and the number of skilled fitters who had always constituted the bulk of the assembly operation, giving Ford a huge advantage over its competitors.
Ford first foray into automotive assembly with model A involved the establishment of the Assembly held on which was built the entire vehicle, usually by a single assembler that match any part of the car one place that person performed the same activity repeatedly to its fixed all stand to ensure greater efficiency, Ford had delivered parts needed for each workstation and each mounting installer took about 8 5 hours to finish his assembly task when the model T was developed Ford had decided to use the assembly of multiple mobile stands with assemblers from stand to stand, each performing a specific function This reduces installation time for each installer 8 5 hours ago 2 to 5 minutes by making each worker completely familiar with a specific task.
Ford soon recognized that the running time stand to stand lost and created jam-ups in the production process than the fastest workers exceeded the slowest in Detroit in 1913, he has solved this problem by introducing the first assembly line moving a conveyor that moved past a stationary vehicle assembly by eliminating the need for workers to move between the stations, Ford cut the assembly task for each worker of 2 to 5 minutes a little less than 2 minutes ; the movable conveyor assembly could maintaining the momentum of the stationary worker The first transmission line is composed of metal strips in which the vehicle wheels are fixed the metal strips are attached to a belt which places the length of the plant, then, under the floor, returned to the area beginning this reduction in the amount of human effort required to assemble an automobile drew attention auto assemblers worldwide Ford's mass production led the automotive industry for nearly five decades and was eventually adopted by almost all other industrial manufacturers Although technological advances have enabled many improvements to auto assembly operations of modern day, the basic concept of permanent workers install parts on a vehicle passing their jobs has not changed dramatically over the years.
Although the bulk of an automobile is virgin steel, plastics, petroleum products and vinyls have come to represent a percentage of growing automotive components Lightweight materials petroleum helped alleviate some models nearly thirty percent as fossil fuel prices continue to rise, the preference for lighter vehicles, more efficient fuel will become more pronounced.
The introduction of a new car model usually takes three to five years from its creation to mount ideas for new models are developed to meet the needs unmet pubic and preferences of trying to predict what the public will result in five years is a feat, but the car companies have successfully designed automobiles that public tastes with the help of equipment design computer aided designers develop basic concept drawings help them to visualize the appearance of the vehicle offered on the basis of this simulation, they then build clay models that can be studied by experts familiar style with what the public is likely to accept aerodynamics also review models, the study of airflow parameters and make feasibility studies on crash tests only after all models were reviewed and accepted are the tools allowed designers to start building the tools that will manufacture the component parts of the new model.

1 car assembly plant represents the final phase of the process of manufacturing a car, because it is here that the components from over 4,000 external suppliers, including parts suppliers belonging to the company, are gathered for the assembly, usually by truck or rail parts to be used in the frame are delivered to a zone, while those who understand the body are discharged to another.
2 The typical car or truck is constructed from the floor and the base weft forms on which the body rests, and from which all subsequent components follow the assembly frame is placed on the line assembly and clamping on the conveyor can move as it moves down the line from there the automotive chassis moves toward the mounting component zones where complete front and rear suspensions, the gas tanks, rear axles and drive shafts, gearboxes, components of the steering gear, wheel drums and brake systems are successively installed.
Workers installing engines on the Ts model in Ford Motor Company factory photo is about 1917.
The automobile, for decades the American industrial product par excellence, did not have its origins in the US In 1860, Etienne Lenoir, a Belgian mechanic, introduced an internal combustion engine that has been useful as a source stationary power in 1878, Nicholas Otto, a German manufacturer developed its explosive four-stroke engine in 1885, one of its engineers, Gottlieb Daimler, was built the first of four experimental vehicles powered by a motor internal combustion Otto also changed in 1885, another German manufacturer, Carl Benz presented a three-wheeled vehicle, propelled in 1887, the Benz became the first car on sale to the public in 1895, automotive technology was dominated by the french, led by Emile Lavassor Lavassor developed the mechanical base of the car, placing the engine at the front of the chassis, perpendicular to the crankshaft x axles.

In 1896 the motor car Duryea became the first motor vehicle production in the US In the same year, Henry Ford demonstrated its first experimental vehicle, quadricycle in 1908 when the Ford Motor Company introduced the United States T model had dozens of the model T automobile manufacturers soon became the standard by which other cars were measured; Ten years later, half of all cars on the road were Model T He had a simple four-cylinder, twenty horsepower engine and a planetary transmission giving two forward speeds and one rear It was tough, had large road clearance to negotiate the broken roads of the day, and is easy to use and maintain.
3 An operation offline at this stage companions production engine of the vehicle with its transmission workers use robotic arms to install these heavy components inside the engine compartment of the frame Once the engine and transmission are installed, has .
On auto assembly lines, much of the work is now done by robots rather than humans in the early stages of automobile manufacturing, robots weld the floor pieces together and help workers to place components such the suspension on the frame.
Worker attaches the radiator, and another screw up Due to the nature of these heavy components, articulating robots do all the lifting and transport operations assemblers using bolts key parts of pneumatic components in place careful ergonomic studies each assembly task provided the assembly workers with the safest and the most effective tools available.

4 In general, the floor is the most important component of the body to which a plurality of panels and braces will then either welded or bolted As it moves down the assembly line, held in place by clamp fixings, vehicle body is first built, the panels of the left and right rear quarter are disengaged containers robotically pre-shipment stage and placed on the board to the ground, where they are stabilized with locator jigs and welded.
The pillars 5 door front and back, the roof and side panels of the body are assembled in the same way The automotive shell mounted in this portion of the process lends itself to the use of robots, because the arms articulated can easily introduce various struts and the panels constituting the floor pan and to perform a large number of welding operations in a time and with a degree of precision that no human worker could never approach the robots may choose and load of the roof panels 90 8 kg 200 pounds and accurately placed in the correct welding position with tolerance variations maintained at over 001 inch, robots can also tolerate.
The body is built on a separate chassis assembly line robots perform once again the bulk of the solder on the different panels but human workers are needed to screw the pieces together During welding, the component parts are maintained securely in a jig during welding operations are performed once the housing body is completed, it is attached to an overhead conveyor for the painting process the multi-step coating process involves inspecting, cleaning the undercoat applied electrostatically immersion, drying, spraying of the topcoat, and baking.
Smoke, welding flashes, and gases created during the production phase.
6 As the body moves from the isolated weld area of ​​the assembly line, subsequent bodywork parts, including fully assembled doors, deck lids, hood panel, wings, trunk lid, and reinforcements bumpers are installed Although robots help workers locate components on the body, workers provide good fit for most functional pieces screw-in using tools assisted tires.

7 Before painting, the body must go through a rigorous inspection process, the body in white running The hull of the vehicle passes through a bright white room where she is completely wiped by visual inspection using rags soaked with oil salvation -light under the lights, this oil allows inspectors to see defects in the sheet metal body panels bumps, dents, and other defects are repaired right on the line by qualified body repairers After the hull was fully inspected and repaired, the assembly conveyor carries through a cleaning station where it is immersed and cleaned of any residual oils, dirt and contaminants.
8 As the shell exits the cleaning station, it passes through a drying chamber and then through a plunger sub-layer of a bath electrostatically charged paint sublayer called E-coat which covers all the nooks and crannies of the hull, both inside and outside, with this primer layer acts as a substrate surface on which the paint color topcoat adhered.
9 After bathing cataphoresis, the shell is dried again in a cabin as it proceeds to final painting operation in most automotive assembly plants today, vehicle bodies are spray-painted by robots have been programmed to apply the exact amount of paint just the right places to just the right length of search time and considerable programming have been made in the dynamics of robotic painting to ensure the wet fine finishes, we came wait Our robotic painters have come a long way since Ford's first model T, which were hand-painted with a brush.
10 Once the envelope has been completely covered 1 V with a color base paint layer and a clear topcoat, the carrier transfers the organs through ovens where paint is cured at a temperature above 275 degrees Fahrenheit 135 degrees Celsius.
body and frame assemblies are coupled to the end of the production process of the robotic arms lift the superstructure on the chassis, in which human workers then bolting the two together after final components are installed, the vehicle is driven out of the assembly line a quality checkpoint.
After the shell leaves the painting area, it is ready for assembly inside.

11 The proceeds of painted shell through the indoor assembly area where workers gather all wiring instruments and systems, instrument panels, interior lighting, seats, doors and trim panels, headliners, the radios, speakers, while glass except the windshield of the automobile steering column and wheel, caulking of the body, above vinyl, brake pedal and gas, carpeting, and fairings before and rear bumper.
12 Then the robots equipped with suction cups remove the windshield of a shipping container, apply a bead of urethane sealant around the perimeter of the glass, then place it in the windshield frame body Robots also choose of packing and seat panels and transporting them to the vehicle for ease and efficiency of the assembly operator After passing through this section of the shell is given a water test to ensure proper adjustment of the panels door, glass, and it is now ready to cooperate with the wind chassis.
13 The frame assembly of the shell conveyor and conveyor occur at this stage of production in the frame pass the body of the shell conveyor is raised robotically its conveying apparatus and placed on the assemblers car frame, a portion at ground level and others in the working pit beneath the conveyor, the bolt body to the chassis once mating occurs automotive product on the line to receive finish components final battery, tires, antifreeze, and gasoline.
14 The vehicle can now be started From there, it is led to the line control station, where the engine is checked, lights and checked the horn, its tires balanced, and examined the charging system defects discovered at this stage require that the car be taken to a central repair area, usually near the end of the line a team of skilled workers mongers shooters disorders at this stage to analyze and repair any problems when the vehicle passes the final check, he received a price tag and led to many stage where it will await shipment to its destination.
All components used in the automotive products are in other sites This means that thousands of component parts that make up the car to be manufactured, tested, packaged and shipped to assembly plants, often the same day they will be used this requires no small amount of planning to accomplish, most auto manufacturers require parts suppliers outside submit components to test audits and rigorous inspection similar to those used by factories assembly and the assembly plants may provide that products arrive at their receiving docks are statistical process control SPC approved and free from defects.

Once car components begin to be assembled to the car factory, the production control specialists can monitor the progress of each embryo car by VIN vehicle identification number attributed to the beginning of the line production in many of the most advanced assembly plant a small radio frequency transponder is fixed to the chassis and the floor pan This transmitting unit carries information VIN and monitors its progress along the assembly process Knowing which operations that the vehicle has passed through, where it goes, and when it should arrive in the next assembly station allows the production management staff, the ability to electronically control the manufacturing sequence throughout the assembly process of monitoring stations quality keep track of vital information about the integrity of the various functional components s of the vehicle.
This idea comes from a change in the quality control of ideology over the years past, the quality control was seen as a final inspection process that sought to discover defects only after the vehicle has been built in contrast, the quality of today is seen as an integrated process for the design of the vehicle and the assembly process in this assembly so operators can stop the conveyor if workers find Correctional default can then or supplies be checked to determine if a whole lot of components are bad vehicle recalls are expensive and any possible manufacturers to ensure the integrity of their product before it is delivered to the customer after the vehicle is assembled in a process validation is performed at the end of the assembly line to ensure quality audits of the various control points the throughout the assembly process the final verification test for properly fitting panels; dynamic; squeaks and rattling; operation of electrical components; and the engine, chassis and wheel alignment in several vehicle assembly plants are regularly taken from the audit trail and functional tests FULL All efforts are put forward today to ensure that the quality and reliability are built into the assembled product.
The development of the electric car will have more solar innovative engineering and aerospace and satellite technology and advanced radar that the design and the traditional automotive electric car has no engine, system exhaust, transmission, muffler, radiator or spark plugs It will either tune-up or really revolutionary essence instead, power will come from electric AC motors with AC brushless design able to turn up '20,000 rpm batteries to power these engines will come from high performance cells capable of generating more than 100 kilowatts of power and, unlike lead-acid batteries of the past and present, future batteries will be ecological and recyclable part of the vehicle braking system will be an inverter which converts the electricity to DC in the system e battery once the accelerator is Evacuate, thus acting as a generator to the system in the same t he car battery is driving long into the future.
The growth in car use and increasing resistance to the construction of roads made our two congested highway systems and obsolete vehicle technologies But new electronics that allow cars to navigate around congestion and even could soon lead be possible reversal of the operation of our computers to cars mean they gather information of the road congestion and find the quickest route to their destination instruction, making better use of space limited road the advent of the electric car will come because of a rare convergence of the growing intolerance of the circumstances and the combined pollution capacity with extraordinary technological advances will change the global transportation paradigm that will take us into the twenty-first century .

Abernathy, William The Dilemma productivity roadblock to innovation at Johns Hopkins Automotive Industry Press, 1978.
Design speed, Company Inspection Manual manufacture of Manufacturing Engineers, Inc., 1990.
Hounshell, David the American system to mass production Johns Hopkins University Press, 1984.
Lamming, Richard Beyond partnership strategies for innovation Lean Supply Prentice Hall, 1993.

Make the Association of automobile manufacturers in the United States car 1987.
Mortimer J ed Advanced Manufacturing in the automotive industry Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., 1987.
Mortimer, John Advanced Manufacturing Science Air Automotive Industry Co 1986.
Nevins, Allen and Frank E Ford Hill The Times, The Man, The Company Scribners 1954.
Seiffert, Ulrich Motor Company Technology Future of Automotive Engineers, Inc., 1991.
Sloan, Alfred P My years with General Motors Doubleday, 1963.

Secrets of the production line, The Economist October 17, 1992, p S5.
It is unlikely that an electric car will not need tune-up, it is safe to say that any moving part that comes in contact with another moving part will eventually wear down and replacement of friction and need stress causes what is called general wear, causing the parts to fail over time and must be replaced.
Note that a car is worth more than the coins in shape while there is a great savings when building a complex car on a asembly line compared to the purchase of individual parts People have always wondered why the parts are so expensive, but the real reason is described above line asembly line asembly allows auto manufacturers to build a car as cheaply as possible, as has streamlined the whole process when you as an individual, buying a specific part, you must think of yourself as one of these specialized craftsmen who were before advancing the asembly line.
I had to change the word of the asembly line because when I tried to post this, he continued to say Sorry, bad language is not allowed.

How is automobile manufacturing process manufacturing workpieces components used product, automobile made of the production process.