Monday, June 13, 2016

Auto Insurance in France

make a donation car insurance in France in 2015 by insurance Canda

auto insurance options available to those who want to drive in France, including information on the green card.
Car insurance is a legal requirement in France, as in Britain Make no mistake, because not having car insurance is an offense liable to six months imprisonment, and not the ideal medium for spend your holidays or new life France, however, although there are a lot of conflicting information out there about car insurance in France, it is not as complicated as it may seem at first, and you can take heart that millions of Britons have already succeeded in sorting satisfactorily.
There are a number of options for the British driver who wants to drive in France The best way forward depends greatly on circumstances and individual needs, and depend to some considerable extent whether or not you are a resident of France, the other European Union countries or third countries in the EU.
If you are a short term visitor only, you may find that a simple car rental agreement is the simplest solution for you car rental companies may offer special deals, and rates are usually competitive and reasonable the advantage of is that the car is readily available from your point of arrival in France, and can be deposited to your starting point, and you do not have to worry about insurance technical or control or recording complex process car insurance through car hire companies in France differs as it does in the UK it is always better to rent the car with a reputable company, check what insurance actually covers and examine the costs of paying extra for lifting of collision damage that can not be included initially.
long-term solution for your car insurance in France.

If, however, you will be in France for long periods of time, or on a very regular or permanent basis, you need to take the bull by the horns and is a long-term solution.
Car insurance for residents of countries outside the European Union.
If you are a resident of a third EU country like Canada or the US, you can enjoy a great system known as TT Citroлn system run such a system, in which you receive a temporary car ownership at a very low tax rate of price, insurance etc is all taken care of for you, and you can use the car for a minimum of 17 days and a maximum of 180 cars are equipped with easily recognizable plates, so you are unlikely to get any police hassles.
Auto insurance in France using your existing car insurance company.
The best way to insure your car in France if you are still resident in the UK, is to contact your existing car insurance company, to extend your policy in the UK to cover France Usually cars are covered for third in the EU countries, but it would be advisable to increase coverage to comprehensive it would be interesting to look into payday insurance is also offered, as many offer an excellent package with the help of language English provided Check options as some car insurance companies include everything in one package, while others offer an initial agreement cheaper but leaves significant coverage would be interesting to make the cover includes the assistance side of the road, spare parts and providing more cover overnight accommodation if required Some car from reto Heart UK, others won t.

If you have a vehicle registered in the UK you want to drive in France, you may want to take a green card is not an insurance policy per se, but merely an internationally recognized card that guarantees that you have a appropriate legal insurance from your own country it is not strictly necessary for EU drivers in France, but it can be a useful feature if you are arrested or involved in an accident, your insurance company in England should be able to publish this map on request, and it should be no extra charge although some agents charge a small administration fee that option, however, is only suitable for those who are resident in the UK If you live in France, the rules are very different please also note that this is only suitable for those who have to drive the vehicle in France for less than 90 days has not.
One option you may consider is to keep a second car in France for use when you are in the country This is doable, but you must understand that the legal obligation to ensure such a vehicle is different from the requirement UK in the UK, once you have completed a SORN form you can legally withdraw insurance payments until you want to use the car in France, even if you must notify your insurer that your car is off the road, as in the UK, you are legally required to maintain liability insurance on the vehicle at all times is another factor to consider is the cost of used cars in France if cost is an issue, it is for many of us used cars in France are much more expensive in general, they are in Britain, so it must be integrated with planning if you considering this option.
If you are a permanent resident in France, you are bound by French law French law states that if you are resident in France, insuring your vehicle is part of your civil responsibilitй If you are French resident to fully comply French law, you must register and insure your vehicles in the French system, which means changing your plate in the UK to a French plate Take a car in France and registration in France you can legally drive a car UK recorded which is insured with a French insurance company, but the registration deadline is one month, or up to three months in the event that a vehicle must be approved by the DRIRE It will need to go to the hotel local Taxes and ask for a tax certificate quittus the certificate is free and includes your authority to drive your vehicle UK on its foreign license plate for one month or as long as agreed by the authorities, while you arrange registration.
Several French insurance companies are not willing to offer an insurance service for plated vehicles in the UK, with tightening insurance laws allowing agents to issue insurance certificates for the foreign cars most useful I've found are Franck Haloche and Steffy Jego, based in Ernee in the department of Mayenne, tel 02 43 05 21 82, e-mail excellent English and explain things clearly at all times they are happy to run a certain distance, it doesn t matter held in France you are based, everything can be done by email, telephone and mail or you can take a look at their website.
However, even the most useful enterprises must ask you to change the registration to a French, as soon as possible There was a time you could make a UK plated vehicle up to a year, sometimes more, in some circumstances, but now by law to six months is granted to non-residents, with many workers now demand that the french registration is completed much earlier, within three months, in some cases, your insurance ticket must be displayed in the front windshield of the car, you should also request a declaration of European accident so that if you are unlucky enough to be involved in an accident, you can take all the details of your insurance as appropriate .

There is another reason too, to change a French plate as soon as possible if you have a plated vehicle in the UK which is based in France, and yet you make trips to the United Kingdom in this vehicle, you can run the tax issue in France there is no system of tax discs as it is in the UK this means that if you continue to pay to maintain a tax disc in the UK, when you enter the UK, you are immediately drive a vehicle registered illegally entirely French in England does not address this issue, the differences between the systems are recognized and accepted.
Caution also to the legal requirement in the UK when your tax disc expires, you must either renew, file a statutory off road notification or file a statement that the vehicle has been scrapped or exported If you do not one of those things that you have committed a summary offense and there may be unpleasant consequences, therefore, you should not neglect your responsibilities in the UK, even if you meet the French requirements in practice, this means that you once you have insured your car in France and then recorded in France, you must terminate your liability for a tax disc in the UK by making the statutory declaration, in this case, that was exported your car.
French car insurance is similar, but different from the British system in a way it is essentially three levels, with the legal minimum levels being ua of third party insurance only remember what is essential on all vehicles, even if out road the next level is the third party, fire and theft, illimitй thirds, or full and the last third is the comprehensive, all-hazards After that, customized packages can be created to meet with your agent adding coverage needed in general, the cost is significantly less than the cost of similar insurance UK your no claim can generally be carried forward to your UK insurance but you will need to provide guess what a lot of paperwork your insurer will send you a ticket to place on the windshield to show that the insurance is in place it also send you a form of accident accident report, you need to carry in your vehicle at all times.
And another thing to keep in mind is that if you are a French resident insurance with a French insurance company, you may need to obtain a driving license or international driving license French, it may seem simple, but it is not necessarily you must be resident in France six months before they can apply to change your license can fill in is obtained from the sub-prefecture or similar office, and you also need two passport photos, proof of identity passport and proof of address or FranceTelecom EDF bill or better still, a French medical card obtained from a doctor.
However, to avoid having to apply for international driving permit or French, it is now possible if you are a French resident, to keep your driver's license in the UK until he is expiration date, but you must be aware of a few things first, this used to be a problem and is always with some French insurers as wouldn t accept a driver's license in the UK as it is now Community law, however, it shouldn t be a problem for much longer Secondly, you still must have an address in the UK for your driver's license in the UK, even if your previous address in the UK Third, you will still need to follow the French legislation regarding driving licenses, such as age restrictions, validity of licenses, medical checks finally, if you suffer from s penalty points or infractions of traffic on your license in France, you have to go to a French license This is more likely to occur if the shutdown in person by the police.

Apart from those mentioned above which also address the UK plated vehicle, there are insurance agents for insurance in each city probably several of them if your French is good enough, you can try a simple walk in approach and see what services they can offer you learn to speak French - misadventures in foreign languages ​​If your French is fragile, however, the word of the tried and tested system mouth speaks useful to other ex-pats in your area, find out what companies they use and what are the services offered.
French AXA car insurance companies, AGF, Crédit Mutuel and CIC Insurance.
Otherwise, there are several major car insurance companies who are well versed in the treatment of British drivers who need to insure the vehicles in France AXA, AGF, Crédit Mutuel and CIC Insurance AXA are among them have UK agents, and all companies have a lot of English language staff but not necessarily in every office you do not have, of course, need to ensure a local agent that everything is done by post, so you can use an English speaking agent on the other end if the country if you can t find a local shop to find the package and the agent for you.
Generali formerly GIE Schreinemachers SARL Real estate - the offer in English policy.
You can also try GIE Generali formerly Schreinemachers, Real Estates is an agency specializing in the provision of French car insurance in the UK and English-speaking former expatriates They are very useful and very often able to help with different situations and unusual requests.

Insurance is one of those things in life that can seem an expensive hassle until you need it then it becomes like magic with the wisest and best thing you've ever done.
Please note that the above article was updated in October 2010.
Joanna Simm moved to the southwest of the Languedoc region of France in October 2004 after finding his property by French ownership ties.
1 A site visitor is looking to buy a car in the southwest of France added 12 February, 09.

Hello - our daughter is now living and working in France in the southwest After his green card ran the car in the UK, which was officially scrapped in France, she finally found and bought a second expensive hand Clio which was fine until an accident caused by a third party has filed now we need to find her car adapted again with a smaller than expected insurance settlement on the Clio can anyone help lead us toward a car in decent left hand recorded in the area around the plate 2002-2009 - something like a large Renault thank you.
2 A question to keep off-road car in France added 13 Aug. 09.
Hi there - because of the recession, I have to return to New Zealand for 2 to 3 years old I had a French car for about 4 years, I tried to sell it to the Ford dealer that I bought, and even if the car is 10 years, and never wrong, they said they could scrap for me My problem is that I have to pay the AXA insurance - which I understand is mandatory - and I haven not the money to do what I just want to leave the car in my garage until I return, but without having to pay the insurance - how can I do this thank you.
Thank you to contact us I'm afraid you need if you pay the vehicle owner insurance, even if it is kept in the garage and not used but if you tell the insurers that it is out of the way insurance is generally not too expensive.
3 A question about the scrapping of a car in France added 13 Aug. 09.

I read your web page with great interest that we have an old car registered in England and France do not think it will last much longer can we scrap in France and what is the procedure.
Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.
Thank you to contact us I checked with my colleague Joanna in France to see if she knows anything about the disposal procedure, and she said the following.
We tried to scrap an old car for months at our local junkyard without success to date we are still paying insurance on a wreck that has not moved for two years think so it is not easy is something here.
First, you need all the documents before they scrap This means registration papers, insurance documents, passports etc. invoice of sale, etc. The problem we have is that it is a vicious circle that we bought and found didn t have WORD neither English nor seller we knew at the time that the seller must MOT prior to sale, so when he fell down immediately, we could save on our behalf, for he had no MOT and we could not get an MOT because we could not afford the necessary parts to try a new car just to secure any case it can not be developed discarded because we aren t officially the owners, as we haven t been able to formally transfer we went actually to scrap with the former owners, but they are no longer officially the owners either get the picture and enough to still have, we are apparently all owners to pay the insurance for the car, which now lies in a field being a home for squirrels etc. Oh what fun.
If it is possible to prevent breakage in France, please do Maybe if you have all the documents, etc., you will be ok if I'm not sure you will get the same value of the scrap here as in the UK you should check also, as you have a car registered in the UK, it will almost certainly enable them to find complications here in France.

I hope this has been helpful, I guess the first place to go is your local scrap dealer, see what they say and go from there Good luck with everything.
An update from a website visitor added 20 Jan. 10.
A visitor to our site has kindly provided an account of his experience with the demolition of his car.
I went through the same process with my old car two years ago and was about to give up when we knocked on the door a young local man had noticed the car slowly declining outside my house and I was wondering if I wanted to sell it for parts as it had a small business selling car parts, I said he was not for sale, but it could be free as long as he never returned, he was delighted and returned the next day with his father and an old tractor his father thanked me and gave me a bottle of homemade spirit for my kindness, I've never seen or heard of the car since.

See your Comments section # 5 for more information on car scrapping.
4 A question about the cancellation of auto insurance added 15 October 09.
Hi - I was wondering if you could help me with the present situation regarding ago a car I bought in France I bought the car in France more than a year ago now, moved to the UK where I now live about seven months, my French car broke down three weeks after being here and it was a huge amount of money to fix if I have not bothered the car then I towed proof RACV he got towed to my house and they suggested I sold it for scrap, but I have not a document that I signed the document and we have people made an agreement that he had full ownership and both signed the piece of paper A4 that we both signed April 12.
The car is the most likely scrap that was undriveable and could not be brought back to French soil Now my French insurance company says they won t cancel the insurance policy they expect me to pay for a car I have no more what I think is outrageous because I do not even live there anymore and I will not repeat that I have sent proof of sale and towing and how it was purchased.
Can not they just follow the numberplate and see where she was the last and they will find it more in France and assured if the car is not in France why do I need to pay Can you explain what I can make.
Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.

Thank you to contact us I am in contact with my colleague who lives in France that says this kind of thing is typical She says the French insurance companies won t cancel the policy unless you can provide buckets documents.
You do not say exactly what is needed by the insurance company to cancel your contract with them, but I guess it's the details of the scrappage could you not contact the person who removed your hands and get this Or get them a sales bill sorted you if necessary.
Or what about just cancel further payments from your bank that would be the easiest option if you pay a basic monthly Although if you have paid in full and seek a refund of the insurance company, it obviously won t apply.
I'm afraid it's all the tips we can offer here, but wish you luck in sorting and.
5 A question to leave a car in France added 12 November, 09.

Hello, I just read to have a car in the UK to France, thank you for all your information So just to check with you, if I want to save it in France and I can get my insurance company to say 90 days in France is acceptable, is it Ideally I would like to leave the car here in France from March to September, but think this sounds too long are you aware of gaps that can allow me to leave the car here for more of 90 days.
Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.
Thank you to contact us I checked with my colleague in France and understand that if you want to have your car in France longer than your insurance company in the United Kingdom will accept, your only option really is to ensure the car by a French insurance company AXA maybe try AGF or she mentions that she knows in her neck of the woods is Philippe Nelkin, AVIVA 09 Mirepoix If it could be useful, his telephone number is 0561681685 and talks apparently good English.
6 A question about the insurance of a car in the UK for French residents added 22 July 10.

We are British with our primary residence in France we have a second home in the UK we visit three or four times a year a family member recently gave us his car to use as a runabout when we return, we note that it is impossible to get insurance for the car that we are no longer classified UK residents I made many calls to no avail insurance companies do you any way I can InSure the car all help you can give would be greatly appreciated.
Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.
Thank you for contacting us I have been in contact with my colleague in France who wonders if you just checked the British Insurance Companies Have you tried the French insurance companies too, she said it is possible to ensure the car with a French company, to be used for short-term use in the UK, it has a registered British scooter she assured with a French company, which is currently in the UK French society are aware and the insurance coverage is valid for the UK Other than perhaps what is also possible for cars registered in the UK, I'm not sure how your problem can be solved that I am sorry not to be able to help, but would be very interested to hear that you should find a solution.
What nonsense to try to solve this problem, but we finally made our French insurers gave us expected the Gallic shrug.
I am determined to find something, but the non-resident factor blocking any chance I sought ex-pat chat rooms and came across many similar incidents, but one in particular mentioned an insurance company run by a Dutch who spoke fluent English and French and very well so I thought it worth contacting.

In a word, he said there should be no reason if you are a homeowner in the UK to deny insurance - Non-residents are considered a high risk that the exorbitant insurance rates for Ј25 temporary car insurance for a day for a single conductor He advised that contact us two insurance companies that are willing to examine the unusual demands, namely SAGA NFU I called what would be our local NFU branch in Lancashire and spoke a handsome young man He checked with their Bish bash bosh and HO - full insurance arranged for us at a rate we would have paid if we were resident in the UK.
The lovely Dutch man is Schreinemachers based in the Gers are those who may find themselves in a similar situation.
7 A question about reassuring a car in France, once the insurance has expired to add 22 7 10th.
Hi, I moved to France and brought my UK car insured with me in December 2009 I had the car on the road in France for the last six months and I canceled my insurance policy in the UK in January now I want to use the car again and I just apply a gray card and received a provisional certificate I now want to get the French insurance but was told that I can not get the car insured that I have not continued insurance coverage since January 2010 can you help how I can get the car insured, I think that I did not need the insurance that the car was off the road as is the case in England, but now it seems that I got the car illegally while we haven t since January motivated.
Yes, it is illegal to insure your car in France, insurance is necessary, even if the car hasn t be used I have a good insurance company if that will ensure a car registered in the United Kingdom to a year before it becomes a Gray map, so you can try them, explaining your circumstances If they can not help, I'm sure they could tell you what to do, contact details are as follows.
Claire and Frank Haloche Martinet General Agent 37 Rue Amiral Courbet 53500 ERNEE.

Please tell them that Joanna Simm recommended if you do good will t mind is all they are very good and they speak excellent English as well especially Claire.
8 A question about short term car insurance added 23 November 10.
I just bought a car in the UK with the intention to send home to the United States, but before doing so, I would use it in Nice, France for a short period of 30 to 60 days before shipping out I am a US resident, with a license to drive US can I possibly get a short-term insurance for that matter the car of the British plates My wife is a french resident, then serait- it easier to make it through his would it be easier to keep the car registered in the UK under the name of the seller and ensure there, and bring it for 30 days as a tourist.
Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.
Thank you to contact us now if you own the car, I think you need insurance in your name, but you can try the British insurance companies may cover you for 30-60 days in France Perhaps you can also try the above insurers are based in France.
9 A question about the French automobile insurance and no cars in France added 28 December 10.

Hello, please could you help to sort out our problem, we have a house in France which we consider home At present, we must be in the northeast of Germany for work, but we visit our house regularly, on average once every two months, the longest period of absence since we were here in November 2008 was two months five days I spent some 100 days living there in the last twelve months.
We also have a car, which is registered in France and insured with Crédit Mutuel, in both cases against our French address When we arrived, we wrote to Crédit Mutuel, which explains our new situation we have had no response We are now trying to establish that our car insurance is still valid credit Mutuel not respond, deny receiving faxes and are generally unnecessary language is not a problem because our french neighbors wrote letters and phone calls conducted he speaks fluent English.
Looking at Wikipedia, it seems that each insurance contract includes a Green Card Thus, it is valid Green Card in each country, the EU included There is a provision that if the car is out of France for three months or more, it must be insured in the country where it is that we have always used the car for our visits to France, public transport is hard at both ends therefore it was not out of France at any time for more than two months five days so I think we're covered.
I and especially my husband, who wrapped himself in a sleepless state on this issue would be very grateful for your help as soon as possible if you haven t you peacetime, could you recommend an insurance agent.
Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.

Thank you to contact us As mentioned earlier in this article, perhaps you can try the following agents.
Claire and Frank Haloche Martinet General Agent 37 Rue Amiral Courbet 53500 ERNEE.
They speak excellent English and explain things clearly at any time and are very useful, they are happy to run a certain distance, it has no importance in France where you are based, everything can be done by email, phone and mail.
10 A question about the insurance of an unused car added 3 April 11.

Hi - I assured my Range Rover with AXA for the past four years, unfortunately totally complete, it has developed a piston problem and I can not drive until I get sent a new engine on and rest I do until the summer, five to six months after my comp all insurance is renewed in March I want quality assurance down to 3rd party, but it should include fire and theft as it is outside.
Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.
Thank you to contact us I'm afraid I can not answer your question, except to say that it is quite up to you if you are at all uncomfortable to leave your car outside without being covered for fire and theft, it is probably better to take the extra insurance cover, if nothing more than peace of mind, I do not think you should take this coverage by law, the third party should be very well, it might be best to check with AXA about it.
11 A question about car insurance for 13 months added 3 April 11.
I wonder if you can please help me I travel by car in France in February 19th for a stay of 13 months and I find the question to get insurance and coverage of European break very difficult My current insurer will make sure for a short time with European RAC breakdown cover, but I thought I would just be able to get the French insurance few weeks into my stay, which is the case wkithout recording the car in France I have just discovered a British insurer Andrew Copeland Insurance Ltd will ensure the car for 12 months - 11 months in France and 28 days in the UK, I do not think the 28 days must be consecutive, but call before the weekend to ask if this is correct and if it is around having to register the car in France and 6 months to 12 plates on the UK sets the car is 13 years, the vale ur Ј500 and Copelands not provide 3rd party, fire and theft, no fault coverage I hadn t heard of this company before, but they are on the FS A website to process insurance products.
Do you think this policy would address the problem of recording and rule 6 months, I really want to sign up if I didn t like I do not intend to live in two during my visit different departments, and if I return to the UK, I then again the record, I have a property in the UK is and will remain my permanent home, but I'm currently in the process of rent do you know if I have become a French resident during the 12-month period, even with a permanent home in the UK and making one or two trips back to the UK.

Another question - you know of any companies that I could contact re cover European breakdown that would provide just that for the year.
Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.
Thank you to contact us As mentioned before, I suggest you contact the insurer s Frank Haloche or Claire Swift, based in Ernee in the department of Mayenne, tel 02 43 05 21 82, e-mail excellent English and explain things clearly at any time.
They might be able to help both insurance and coverage outage, or otherwise, may well be able to explain the options you have and point you in the right direction Being French and based in France, they will know what rules and regulations you must follow.

12 A question on a car insurance for visitors added April 3, 11.
We have three fully comp car insured by AXA We want to be able to allow a British visitors of a car while they are here on holiday Since these are legally qualified drivers are insured and fully licensed home in England, they have full coverage here when driving our car Thanks in advance.
Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.
Thank you to contact us I suggest you contact AXA and ask them, and also get your visitors to check with their insurance companies in the UK, as it varies with each company.
If they do not provide this coverage, you can check with the aforementioned insurers, they seem to be able to help with most things.

13 A question about buying a car in Spain and imported in France added 14 April 11.
Do you have any advice in terms of temporary insurance plans for the following situation My fiance and I will stay in Toulouse for work We found several vehicles in the Barcelona area that we are interested in buying We are the plan to rent a car in Barcelona on the weekend to see the vehicles and purchase most probably one of them, then we would immediately lead to France with the intention to save as french vehicle do you know if we need to have insurance for the time we buy the vehicle until we are back in Toulouse If so, do you know of any insurance company that provides temporary insurance without knowing the exact information of the vehicle.
Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.
Thank you to contact us I think you need the insurance point of owning the vehicle, so suggest you contact the above mentioned agents, which may well be able to provide coverage.
14 A question about the car tax in France added 14 April 11.
Are there annual car tax in France, I have two cars both registered in France with a certificate of registration and both insured, but I didn car tax or have I paid when I ' registered cars and if so is it a time of payment.

Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.
Thank you to contact us vehicle tax currently paid each year in France and the UK There are a tax on fees you paid when you register your car, and it works in lieu of a tax annual This would have been a single payment no additional tax because of your cars.
15 A question about buying a car with a US driver's license added 14 April 11.
I wonder if I can buy a car in France, and to record and to ensure as well that I am a French citizen and an American citizen, but I would use my US driver's license as Is this possible or legal visitor to avoid taking the French driving test.

Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.
Thank you to contact us I understand that American citizens who are French residents are required to apply for a French driving license if they want to buy, register and insure a car in France or after one year from the date of their first day of S Card.
What tests you need to take depends on where in the US your driving license was issued to find out if you have to do both the driving test and the written test or exam just written.
However, as I am not an expert in this area, I suggest you contact your local police prefecture agent Pr Pr Prefecture, Assistant Professor Prefecture or consulate of the French embassy, ​​which would be able to give you advice specific.
16 A question about car insurance and an MOT added 20 May 11.
We recently insured a car in the UK to France by a company was recommended in Nice who are happy to provide plate cars UK Do we need an MOT and if so, with the exception the insurance document would we need to get this.

Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.
Thank you to contact us I suggest you check with your insurance company that you need, although I suppose a current MOT Cфntrole The technique is necessary Our article Taking a car to France and France record in writing what you need to do to get a Cфntrole technique, although this seems to depend on where you get this it is perhaps easier to check with the garage concerned.
17 A question about the cheapest car insurance added August 12, 11.
Hi - I have a French LHD car registered and insured that I am assured with Groupama, but it seems very expensive over 350 euros for the basic coverage of less than 8000 kilometers per year milage Someone options unless he knows Also expensive is it possible to obtain an English version of the form for accidents is used Any help would be appreciated.

Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.
Thank you to contact us You can try the following agents, mentioned earlier in this article, for your car insurance.
Claire and Frank Haloche Martinet General Agent 37 Rue Amiral Courbet 53500 ERNEE.
They speak excellent English and explain things clearly at any time and are very useful, they are happy to run a certain distance, it has no importance in France where you are based, everything can be done by email, phone and mail.
You can also ask for an English version of the accident form.

18 A question on keeping France a second car added August 12, 11.
Hi, I am reading your advice on car insurance with interest that we are buying a holiday home in France and want to keep a car there for use when the house is occupied Due the second-hand purchase cost cars in France, it is our intention to put a car on top of the UK that we should do about insurance can we ensure by a British insurer that case, can we keep the British plate and should we continue to pay the annual road tax UK or should we use a french insurance company in this case, I guess we have to convert the car number plates French.
Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.
Thank you for contacting us in regards now a car in France, I understand some UK companies will provide such a car in this situation with plates in the UK, but usually only for a period of 90 days, I think also you need to keep your taxes in the UK updated to meet their criteria Certainly if you ever returned to the UK with the car you will drive illegally without a tax disc.
French companies can insure the vehicle with British plates, but most now want to subscribe to the French plates if the car is staying in France, I suggest you contact the following agents, referred to above, which may well be able help insurance, or at least point you in the right direction.

Claire and Frank Haloche Martinet General Agent 37 Rue Amiral Courbet 53500 ERNEE.
19 A question about car insurance period added August 12, 11.
Hi - when I renew my insurance new contract said insurance from February 2011 to November 2011 I asked why it took nine months at the time and got no response Stupidly I did not pursue and AXA now miss renew now I submit that I thought it was for one year, but they insist on it and the contract I am paying now, though it shouldn t be renewed until the end of January 2012 also I paid 800 euro showed only 600 euros I sent them several times and they simply ignore my questions surely insurance should work for a year the previous did you help.
Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.
Thank you contact us car insurance can be purchased for any amount of time, but I always understood most auto insurance policies to run for one year ie on an annual basis, but I do not know the ins and outs of your insurance, I think the only thing you can do in this case is to get a response from your insurers if they don t answer your emails, call them.
You can also contact the following agents that are mentioned several times in this article, which may be able to help.

Claire and Frank Haloche Martinet General Agent 37 Rue Amiral Courbet 53500 ERNEE.
20 A question on insurance to be denied in France added 31 Jan. 12.
I made sure my car with AXA for the past ten years, they now refuse me car insurance because of the amount of claims since 2008.
I had six demands including three not my responsibility to the other three, was for a broken windshield hit by a stone, it was when I was a very small bump with another car and the damage was so light to her taillight I think 20 euros would have covered but the driver asked me to sign the accident form that I did not understand a year later, I think he put in a claim after a long period of time j 'AXA asked why they paid and they said I had signed the form, obviously it was an accident and claimed elsewhere on the form that I signed.
As AXA wouldn t sure I went for Groupama who said they assure me and gave me a green insurance sticker for 2012 a few days before a drunk driver crossed the white line and hit my car causing damages the body, he admitted responsibity and I had two witnesses AXA said it was not my responsibility and claimed against the other Groupama insurance now will ensure that the latest accident has added points was classified as a claim.

Now I have tried everywhere and I can not sure I own a French license and I feel very angry because I am struck by another car and it was not my fault, the total points because this latest accident stop me from being insured in France that means I have to go back in the UK after twenty years here, I've heard of a French law that says you can not be denied the car insurance in France and you have to go the prefecture who must take out insurance is that true.
Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.
Thank you to contact us I'm not sure of a French law stating that one can not be refused insurance of car that I fear, I suggest you contact the agents, Claire and Frank Swift Haloche which we talk many times in our article See above for details Contact.
21 A question about the insurance of a car in France for four months added 31 Jan. 12.
Hi - I have followed the discussion on this site with interest that I came to Provence for four months the maximum period abroad Irish insurer offers three months, I had hoped to find a French insurer could cover my car or for additional months or for four full months, and I contacted the company recommended here Claire and Frank Haloche Martinet However, the minimum they would offer is twelve months and I have to re-register my car.

Does someone else provided a car registered abroad for a short period and they advise me as to how they did it, as resubscribe four months seems crazy.
Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.
Thank you for contacting us, I understand the laws for car insurance in France are tightening all the time to find insurance that will cover you for more than 90 days without re-register is now a question I guess agents you contacted could not refer you to someone else, as they could not help.
Have you tried AXA and AGF, or perhaps Philippe Nelkin, AVIVA 09 Mirepoix, all that we mention in our article if it might be useful, his telephone number is 056 168 185 and he speaks English well apparently.
Or we also talked to a very nice Dutch man who helped a visitor to our site, it was Schreinemachers based in the Gers and is Maybe it is still there, he recommended two companies' insurance who are willing to examine the unusual demands, namely SAGA and the National farmers Union.

Just to let you know the outcome of all this Schreinemachers were extremely helpful, even knowing all the details of my situation Thanks to them, I have taken out insurance with Generali for a year, and when I left France, I can they cancel and refund the premium on a pro rata they included basic documentation on how to go about re-register my car if I decide to stay, I suspect that there is a legal obligation to do so.
22 A question about how to reduce car insurance costs over a holiday car added 29 March 12.
I am a resident in the UK but with a property in France which is visited during the winter and summer season leading to a maximum of about eight weeks, I have an old-ish VW Golf TDi which is French registered and insured fully comprehensive for any driver However, this now costs over 600 euros per year on my base of very limited use becomes extremely expensive, I could cancel the futures contract or reduce the coverage, but it would be the Ideally, a more flexible contract cost thoughts.
Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.
Thank you to contact us other than selling your car in France and using your UK registered car while you are in France, I think the maximum time you can usually be covered for it of 90 days or rent a car while you are in France, it may be just a matter of looking for different insurers you can try the above mentioned agents, which seem to be very helpful.
23 A question about the car tax in the UK and car insurance added 29 March 12.

Hi, I'll go to France with my car in the UK, I have to renew my road tax on this week, my insurance ends in June I don t do anything please can I have some advice.
Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.
Thank you to contact us You do not say when you move to France, but if you have to drive your car in the UK before you travel, it should be taxed in the UK So I think you tax it again and then claim the tax refund if possible, for the months you haven t used.
car insurance in the UK can usually be extended to a car in France, up to 90 days before you have to find another insurance but this varies with the insurance companies, so I would check with yours.
24 A question about insurance for an RV added 29 March 12.

I'm wearing a camper - Avantgarde compass based on a chassis boxer in France and Peugeot need all the help possible.
Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.
Thank you to contact us I suggest you try Schreinemachers or Claire Frank Haloche Martinet which are mentioned above.
25 A question about the problems to get insurance added 13 June 12.

My husband works in Saudi Arabia and we just found that because it is a permanent resident in the United Kingdom, it can not be insured to drive his own car, he regularly returned to the UK and 40 years of experience, it is our intention to lead to our holiday home in France in August and would appreciate if someone can tell us how my husband can get insurance.
Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.
Thank you contact us, I suggest you contact Schreinemachers that seem to be very helpful with all the auto insurance problems.
26 A question about buying a French car that is registered in the United Kingdom added 31 July 12.
I would buy a French registered car which is currently in the UK The current owner says the car is insured until January and I can hunt, I find it hard to believe that I also have to drive this to Bulgaria, so I would need a green card If you have any advice, I would appreciate you very much.
Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.

Thank you contact us, I suggest you contact Schreinemachers or Claire and Frank Haloche Martinet All mentioned above.
27 A question about the French insurance and coverage in the United Kingdom added 29 Aug. 12.
I would like my RHD car to be insured by a French insurance company, I'll be covered for the seven months I spent in England The car is now registered French.
Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.
Thank you to contact us as car insurance can vary regarding situations like this, I suggest you contact one of the following agents who would be able to advise you.

Or Claire and Frank Haloche Martinet see above for contact details.
28 A question about the insurance of a car in France with UK plates added 10 April 12.
We have a RHD car in the UK that we keep in France we told DVLA is exported We have no intention to bring the car in the UK It has UK plates It has a CT Since two years he has been assured with Toulouse MAAF MAAF and I think have never questioned the English plate do you think I should do anything.
Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.
Thank you to contact us My colleague Joanna, who lived in France for many years, said she would not do anything unless the insurer says you have to if they want you to get rid of the British plates, they will tell And she thinks they should give you a time limit too.
An update of a visitor concerned about the site added 2 April 13.

If you use the car reg UK here in France, it must comply fully with the rules of the United Kingdom - are taxable insurance UK MOT UK Your answer is of particular concern above - these people have a car that is not approved now wherever he was declared as exported therefore has no right to be on the road with the existing number in the UK not the code of the French road would be interpreted as fraudulent use of Article L317-3 See comment No. 9 in our comments section.
29 A question on the reporting of accidents on cars belonging no more added April 10, 12.
My boyfriend had an accident in our car in the UK which was delisted We bought new that we had been driving, but now insurance UK is exhausted Do we need to report the accident insurers French.
Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.

Thank you to contact us as you make a different car with a different insurance company, unless you specifically asked to report previous requests accident, I'm not sure it would be necessary, but I would be very careful to read the fine print, as your new insurance may be invalidated if you just make a claim if you have not respected the rules of the new insurance company.
And I say maybe you verify this with one of the insurance agents that we have repeatedly mentioned in the above article, as I'm no expert in these matters agents are Frank Haloche Claire Martinet such 02 43 05 21 82, e-mail or Schreinemachers.
30 A question about points on driving licenses added April 10, 12.
Should I tell my French insurance company that I lost a point on my driving license French.
Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.
Thank you to contact us I think it might be safer to tell your French insurance company, or at least check your policy carefully to see if the point was raised at the time you took the policy I would be very careful to read the fine print, your insurance may be invalidated if you just make a claim if you have not respected the rules of the insurance company certainly in the UK, you'd usually say the insurance company you can also check with one of the insurance agents mentioned above.

31 A question about the French insurance with UK plates added 10 April 12.
Hi - I am a resident in France, I have a car Plated UK currently taxed technical control I curently French insurance by MAIF I would keep the British plates because it will be easier to sell in the UK later My problem is that my car is flagged in the UK as uninsured as I explained the situation to the DVLA and stalled If the problem, I have a french insurer that is registered on the database UK- Office car insurance, I'll be OK I travel two or three times a year any ideas please.
Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.
Thank you to contact us if you are taxed and MOT ed in the UK, have a French car insurance valid, and have notified the DVLA of this and abide by what they say, I do not know why there would be a problem .
Although I suppose it may be easier to change an insurance company that is registered on the database of auto insurance office in the UK, rather than having to explain the situation and provide the necessary documents if stopped.

For more advice you can contact the agents that we mention above.
32 A question about car insurance when you have no permanent address added 13 December 12.
We sold our house in the UK in summer and moved to a temporary housing while we held our buying house in France we have now signed the compromise on our French property and plan to finish somewhere between 20 February and 7 March 2013 Our rental ends in January 2013 so there will be some weeks when we did not address the UK and has not fully completed the French house, so therefore no French to address housing for this time is not a problem, but what could you advise on car insurance very warmly received advice.
Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.

Thank you to contact us I suggest you talk to your current insurer to see what they have to say or you can contact Schreinemachers, which we mentioned above several times this is an agency specialized in providing the french car insurance in the UK ex-pats and they speak English are very useful and very often able to help various unusual situations and requests.
33 A question on the maintenance of cars in the UK in France added 24 Jan. 13.
Hello, I wonder if it is possible to keep a car in the UK in France if I intend to live in France, driving a car on the right allowed more holiday Thank you in advance for your reply.
Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.
Thank you for contacting us Yes, it is possible to keep a car in the UK in France Maybe our article Taking a car to France and register in France will give you an idea of ​​what is involved.

34 A question about how to check the validity of car insurance added 28 February 13.
Hello, I was wondering if I can check the validity of car insurance made in France there website where I can.
Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.
Thank you to contact us I'm afraid I'm not aware of a website where you can maybe you could try contacting Schreinemachers, which we refer above repeatedly As we say, it ' is an agency specializing in the provision of french car insurance in the UK ex -pats and English and although you are not necessarily using them to buy insurance, they are very useful and very often able to help in various unusual situations and requests.
In case anyone reading this can help further this issue, please do get in touch.
35 A question on the cancellation of the auto insurance added May 3 13.

What is the procedure if you sell your car in France and you have to cancel the insurance.
Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.
Thank you contact us, I suggest you contact your insurance company for this, as it may differ with different businesses.
36 A question about where insure, register and the tax on car added 5 March 13.

Hi - I'm going to France with a plated car in the UK is driving on the left and originally was recorded in Germany, he has no MOT or tax at the time and I have not yet assured I will be in France for at least a year I am little confused with what to do what I InSure there taxes here, sign there, WORD here Could you please tell me your opinion.
Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.
Thank you to contact us I think you would probably register the car in France and assure France, if you'll be there in a year, but you must also have all the legal documentation in place when you start driving, which may be in the UK, you may need to start with sorting your tax, MOT, insurance here first.
I suggest that you could contact that we have repeatedly mentioned above They are very useful and very often able to advise you on different situations.

37 A question to make mid-term changes in insurance policies added 25 July 13.
I am concious comments at the end of this article re AXA.
After seven years as a French resident with a French car, I got tired of paying 1,000 euros per year for auto insurance So on June 20th I contacted direct insurance and to cut a long story short, I 'was accepted with an effective coverage of 3 July to 1 August 2013, subject to verification of the documents that I have sent all the documents they require, including all cover notes etc. AXA since 2007, price of 600 Euros.
I am now coming out of my existing AXA and brokers informed accordingly the response I got took me by surprise as follows.
I fear that in France it is impossible to change the medium-term insurance company - the policy must first be set aside to cancel an insurance policy in France a letter by registered letter must be received by the company to insurance at least two months in advance of the renewal date of your renewal date was January 6, 2013 So you will annull your insurance direct insurance, indicating that you currently have insurance for the Volvo with us.
In other words, you get a hit cancel and if you're unlucky that these guys in the real world or what surely this can not be true Your advice would be welcome at the way I out of this dilemma, I paid three months in advance for Direct insurance and AXA still take the money to the original policy.

Incidentally Direct Insurance Division is a subsidiary of AXA.
Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.
Thank you to contact us I know all companies have their rules and regulations, but it seems particularly harsh, especially as you say Direct Insurance is part of AXA I know other insurance policies that have policies that are each year, so you can not get out of them if you want after a few months, you must pay for the pet insurance year for example.
Anyway, as I have repeatedly suggested above, I suggest you contact Schreinemachers They are very useful and very often able to advise you on different situations.
38 A question on which to insure a car added August 30, 13.
We are the UK and bought a Spanish registered car which we intend to take in France and from our holiday home in the south of France villa is not too far from the Spanish border, then devrions- we make in Spain in time, it has no insurance or tax and we must take it in France in September Your help would be appreciated.

Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.
Thank you to contact us I think you might have to re-register in France and assure France, if you leave it there, I do not know the Spanish insurance companies that I fear.
I contact GIE Generali formerly Schreinemachers, Real Estates is an agency specializing in the provision of French car insurance in the UK and English ex-expats I've heard they are very useful and often able to give advice on different situations.
39 Where an insurance coverage for nine months to a car in the UK recorded August 30, 13 added.

I spoke with a number of insurers and insurance broker in long-term insurance field cars in the UK in France but can not get coverage broker told the British standard insurance cover up to 90 days in France we expect to be in France for nine months do not wish to register cars in french, they will be covered by the road tax and MOT for the nine months Can you recommend an insurer that will expand coverage France for nine months.
Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.
Thank you to contact us This can be a problem now, the assurance of a car for nine months in France with registration in the UK Have you tried to contact companies that we mention in the above article ago GIE Generali real Estates Schreinemachers once - which we will mention several times I have heard only good things about them, and they might be able to help or Frank Haloche and Claire Martinet, insurance agents based in Ernee in the department of Mayenne such 02 43 05 21 82, e-mail.
40 A question of finding insurance for a US citizen added August 30, 13.

I am an American citizen with a US driver's license and I will be in France during September and October with my British friend and his car registered in the UK and rest assured that I have trouble finding someone to make sure the wheel his car in France for two months you have solutions.
Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.
Thank you to contact us Have you tried GIE Generali formerly Schreinemachers Real Estates - They are very useful and very often able to give advice on different situations, so it might be able to point you in the right direction if they can not help.
Thank you for answering Yes, I tried They replied and said they could not help they directed me towards Andrew Copland They also said they could help that I do not understand why this situation insurance is rejected by everyone Anyway, in the end, I just have to rent a car to get the most ashamed of expenses coverage.
I'm not sure what the problem is or I guess you have also tried Frank Haloche and Claire as Martinet February 43 May 21 82, e-mail, which we mentioned in the article above.
And I suppose you've tried you get your friend to add you to his policy in the UK for two months, and that this is impossible.

41 A question about possibly having to register a vehicle in France added 30 Aug. 13.
I establish a vineyard in France, which requires several visits with my car registered in the United Kingdom Total time spent in France is more than six months, but is divided over several periods, be no more six months it is necessary to register the vehicle in France.
Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.
Thank you to contact us I feel that perhaps you might have to register your car in France, unless you can find an insurance company to cover your time, you will be in France Although maybe if you were able to purchase insurance every time you went to France rather than extensive coverage for the period, it may be possible to keep your car registered in the United Kingdom, I check with your insurance company in the United -um to see if they can cover you multiple shorter visits taken on one at a time if necessary and as mentioned above, you can also try GIE Generali real Estates formerly Schreinemachers, which is an agency specialized in providing the french car insurance in the UK former expatriates and English, including the temporary car insurance cover for cars registered on the se storing They are very helpful and often able to help in various unusual situations and requests.
42 insurance Find stays of six months at a time Franch and the United Kingdom added 11 July, 13.

I am looking for a company that will provide registered French and French assured the current car for use in France and more insurance in the UK in France seems to cover up to three months driving outside of Companies in France and the UK Kingdom will provide a registered French car that I would be able to drive for six months in both the UK and France that someone can help.
Jo Rhodes French property links editor responds.
Thank you to contact us I think you may have a problem Have you tried to contact GIE Generali formerly Schreinemachers SARL Estate agents, for their advice They are usually very helpful.
In case anyone reading this to advise, please do get in touch.
43 Questions about obtaining a French car back on the road added 27 March 14.

I have a house in France, but I am a resident of the United Kingdom I have a vehicle in France on French license plates - but currently SORN type of condition being provided to me by a French friend that I want back this car on the road this summer and he said for me to drive Is this a simple case of contact one of the French insurance companies and also ensure - if, at some point, I want to return from UK french with my vehicle, will be the french insurance company provide me with insurance for this keeping in mind that I am a British citizen or maybe it's something I have to talk to a company insurance UK about Thank you.
Thank you for contacting us you will need to talk to the French insurance companies individually about it, but I think it should t be a problem in ensuring a French registered car which is mainly held in France, even if the person making he is a resident of the United Kingdom so that all documents are current of French insurance companies generally allow up to 3 months 90 days cover if the car is driven out of France You can try GEI Generali real estate, which is an agency specializing in the provision of French car insurance to anglophones.
44 A question about driving a RHD car in France added 27 March 14.
Moving to France in eighteen months and you want to take a new car with us a year Should I change the vehicle driving on the left or do I stay RHD.

Thank you for contacting us I do not think there should be no difficulty in keeping the car as right hand drive.
45 Some questions about taking a car back in the UK and no claims bonus added 27 March 14.
Hi - I was wondering if you could help me I insured my car in France and had no claim within seven years, I'm back in the UK to live permanently I take this car with me cover my insurance UK -um or I can sell the car and buy another here in the UK, anyway when I change my assurance that I will lose my no claims in the UK, I had no bonus claim in the UK before I Initially there was hope it all makes sense seven years thank you.
Thank you to contact us I think there should be a way to keep your-malus when you return to the UK, but I suggest you contact your current insurer about it if you are going to live permanently in the UK, you will need to register while insurance in the UK if you take your current car with you, you should be able to have coverage for a short period in the UK, usually about 90 days again that you need to check with your current insurers Sorry not to be more help.

46 A question about temporary car insurance in France added 5 July 14.
My daughter was offered a job in France and wants to take a UK registered the car with her when the car is in my name, but I'm ready to put it in his name I find it difficult obtain insurance coverage once I mention she works in France, she is ready to accept the coverage of three months or six months just to start and more if it needs it there, did you sugggestions All companies contacted so far are willing to offer holiday insurance for three months.
Thank you to contact us I'm afraid I do not know what to think, that this decision three months seems to be the norm, that you can seek the French motor insurance Perhaps that you could take three months coverage of the UK, so she could start a new French insurance policy after that she of course register the car in France so I guess it all depends on how long it is going to work.
As mentioned earlier in this article, you may also try Generali IEG, which is Real Estates an agency specializing in the provision of French car insurance in the UK and English-speaking former expatriates.
47 A question about taxes and insurance when in France for seven months added 9 August, 14.
I travel to France to work for seven months and then return to the UK, I'm not sure what the best way to sort my insurance tax it worth me driving above or SORNing my car and redo -ing everything when I could anyone go home help tips.

Thank you to contact us Although I'm afraid I'm not sure what the best thing for you to do is, as you might have read the answers to the previous questions, car insurance in the UK is generally given for a maximum three months in France, so unless you can find a french car insurance company that will provide you, you may have a problem taking your car in this case, what you suggest about SORNing your car may be the best option.
Maybe you could try GEI Generali Real Estate, if you haven t already, which is an agency specializing in the provision of French car insurance in the UK ex-pats and English They may be able to help or advise that the best thing to do is.
In case anyone reading this is able to offer a solution to this common problem, please do get in touch.
48 a question about the claim rejection added March 10, 15.
Hello I have a question concerning an accident abroad in which I am involved Last August I was in France and during my return a car damaged my car into reverse Using the MIB service I got a detail insurance - AFA Ltd. where I raised a request to beggining they accept responsibility and conclude a transaction, but a few days ago, I was informed that they will not correct the statement that the driver was not a valet owner the car and they should get that money from his company they decided to reject my request.

From my point of view, it is not my problem and they should address this request and try to get the money paid by the driver or his company, but I would ask you advice if I am well and that should I do if I am not wrong Can AFA Ltd on behalf of Altima refuse to accept resposibility for damage caused by a car provided by them, but not motivated by owner what is said in French law Thank similar cases.
Thank you contact us from what you said, I'm a bit confused exactly what happened, you say a claim has been settled, but you say it wasn t Also, I'm not sure which is your assurance with and why you haven t called for peace, either by your insurance company should certainly be dealing with that.
That said, I can not see why, if we know who was driving the other vehicle and insurance details are also known, a claim can t be either against them or the insurance company covering the car that they led or against the owner of the car.
Anyway, I realize this is of little help, so I'm not expert on the subject, I suggest you contact a legal adviser to see how you can proceed.

In case anyone reading this can help, please do get in touch.
Thank you for your reply, I thought was a simple case, but it is not to be specified, a British company which is a French insurer, has accepted my request at first but refused to deal with it later as they found that they may not be able to recover money the driver a valet boy who was asked by the owner of the car to park his car for insurers themselves considered not responsible for the application driver was not assured by them that the car was - odd conclusion, but it is done no one will treat this matter in my name as the sum of claims is below their interest my insurance company said that for cover 3rd party no opportunity to help me solve this problem.
I made a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman that from my point of view, if the insurance company is composed of representatives of the United Kingdom and the legislation of the United Kingdom in the case is applied so there no point for me was the legal owner of the driver or any other person at the time of an incident when the car was insured by them.
If you have contact information for someone who can give me legal advice or help I would be very grateful.
Maybe you can use our business directory, or use the following page on our website.
Additionally, you can contact Prevencia Generali, which is an organization that specializes in the provision of French car insurance in the UK ex-pats and English These are very useful and very often able to help with different situations and unusual requests, so maybe to point you in the right direction.

49 A question about only having a temporary address added 23 April 15.
Hello - I was wondering if you could help I returned to the UK to live in France until I buy another house, I'll live with the family Can I buy a car tax InSure using this address temporary, I sold my French car by this time look forward to your response and hope you can give me some answers.
I suggest you contact the DVLA about it, as I'm not sure if the temporary addresses are allowed, or how it would work in your case there must be a way to do so if their details can be found here.
In case anyone reading this to offer advice, please do get in touch.
50 A question about scrapping a car added 19 May 15.
We are in a situation similar to Question 3 - Disposal of a car in France told us that we need to get some kind of police paperwork - termination and should be sent to the insurance company, we can t find more information about it Would you know something more Any information will be helpful as we try to resolve this situation.

Thank you to contact us if you haven t seen the next site, it should give you all the information you need to scrap a car.
It includes a link to the assignment of a Dйclaration Cerfa vйhicule 13574 02 not to be filled The link is here.
51 How to drive a car in the UK has recorded back in the UK legally without tax or MOT added 19 May 15.
Hi - I wonder if anyone can help me My father has recently died and left a British car registered in his rented house in south-west France The UK tax and MOT has just expired Is there a way I can legally drive the car back to the UK for sale If I provide the car with a British insurer and book for an MOT in Portsmouth can I drive it back it would be possible to get a CT and ensure the UK to be legal in France I not intend to export to France, I just want to recover in the UK and it seems silly to have it transported when it is fully capable of be driven v5 and I could change my name now thank you to my mother's name a lot.
Thank you to contact us I was sorry to hear about your father and I'm afraid I'm not sure what you should do with the car, but you may be able to contact the DVLA about your situation and get their advice on what to do, contact details can be found here.
You can also try to contact Generali Prevencia repeatedly mentioned above, which is an organization that specializes in the provision of French car insurance in the UK ex-pats and English, they are very useful and very often able assist in various unusual situations and requests, can also lead to be able to point you in the right direction.

In case anyone reading this to offer further advice, please do get in touch.
52 A question about insurance for young drivers using telematics added 8 April 15.
Hi all - can anyone give me any information on vehicle insurance for young drivers in France using telematics - black boxes - that my daughter already used in the UK She likes the system because here he has greatly improved his behavior - it is not, or can not be used, for us to keep an eye on her when she moves Samur Allianz offers the connected pipe but that is a plug-in unit that n is not that I really adapted spent several hours going through a good part of the French insurance company websites, but found nothing a big thank you in advance.
Thank you to contact us Have you tried Prevencia Generali, which has a branch in Lagraulet du Gers who specializes in the provision of French car insurance in the UK and English-speaking former expatriates.
everyone should be able to offer advice about that, please do contact us.

53 questions on keeping a vehicle in France added 29 October 15.
I think the export of a car in the UK then take to France, because of our waited four months stay on French soil I would like advice on the following points.
Re-registration of the vehicle in France and insurance fee also the exchange of it is in French license necessary Can we make a plate of the vehicle in the UK in France by Community law.
Please note that we are in France 4 months annually Does the French rule of law other requirements What are the necessary documents to complete and where to go for advice please someone one does it help.
Thank you contact us, I suggest you read our article Taking a car to France and register in France in conjunction with the information contained in your questions and comment sections in the end, you should find some answers LA- low, and in this article.
54 Auto Insurance for a car left in France added 20 October 16.

I left a Citroën C3 in France which will be kept there now like running, I intend to keep going down, but it gives us the opportunity to fly or use a form V5 now Article 11 has supplemented sent to the DVLA to inform them of MOT insurance for permanent export are due October 28, 16 need sorting options currently investigating French with English companies insurance, but whether MOT is acceptable for each case of English insurance companies don t InSure permanently put away cars in France, at least I have not found it yet.
Things get tough I'm going to France just mentioned, it is illegal to not have a car insured all year when not in use everyone can it help.
Thank you to contact us I wonder if you read our article Taking a car to France and register there that can be helpful As mentioned in both articles, you can contact some insurance companies Franck Haloche offer a great service for English speakers - for details take a look at, you can try Prevencia Generali, which is an agency specializing in the provision of french car insurance in the UK and former Anglophone expatriates .
55 A question on insurance for a car in France on plates in the UK added 20 October 16.
I sold my house in English and I'm about to move permanently in Charente-Maritime English I have a car, and plaques in English, but my insurance company say they will make sure to from the moment I do not have my French insurers tell me they can start to make sure that as soon as I change request to the French plates but tHAN wHAT dO I dO BETWEEN I can drive the car France before I lose my address in English, but there will be a delay before I can start applying for the French plates, so that the car would be wrecked, ininsured in France What should I do.
Thank you to contact us as above, perhaps you could contact a few insurance companies that are generally very understanding and helpful, and could go through your options with you Franck Haloche offers a great service for English speakers - for details take a look at you could also try Prevencia Generali, which is an agency specializing in the provision of French car insurance in the UK and English-speaking former expatriates.

1 Graham Smith graciously offers additional updated information added August 15, 07.
In order to get your car insured in the UK France, assuming that you are resident in France, the following measures should be taken.
1 Get the CoC certificate of conformity for your car by applying the importer of the British manufacturer I thought the French dealer for my Honda would have helped, but no, I had to ask England for her Honda didn t care for this because it is valid throughout Europe, it is probably best to get CoC before coming to France.
2 Get the Tax Discharge for your vehicle For this, take all your car documents to the nearest center Taxes including the certificate of registration, receipt and other documents that you also take your passport and s few bills electricity for your French address There's no cost to the QF.

3 If your car is more than four years, he needs a technical control as an MOT garage advertising this service note that the British MOT certificates aren t available in France for the Registration Although the car doesn t need a CT, you'd better change the lights to those who dive to the right this will probably be the most expensive part of the business.
4 Armed with the certificate of conformity, Discharge Tax, and all the above documents do not forget passports, go to your local prefecture to obtain the Certificate of Registration This currently costs 155 euros.
5 Assuming you're a Brit who is now a permanent resident in France, you will also need an international driving license Your UK driving license is valid for the conduct of French insurers won t do anything for if you only have a UK license for an international driving license, as mentioned above, you must reside in France for six months before they can apply to change your license to fill the form is obtained from the sub- prefecture or similar office, and you also need two passport photos, proof of identity passport and proof of address or FranceTelecom EDF bill or better still, a French medical card obtained from a physician you must first get the equivalent of a provisional driving license, that insurers accept.
6 Take all documents and your new license in the office of French insurer and get your car insured.
A Going to a sub-prefecture for the average waiting registration up to two weeks, whereas if you go to the main Prefecture in the main city of the department, you will get the certificate immediately.
B I also know that if you're desperate insurance eg if your insurance in the UK is short or is invalid because you do have an address in the UK more you can ask at the embassy in Paris for a temporary license.

C. Many places advertise insurance in France because of your UK registered car, but I also saw some people accounts of their experiences have shown that this insurance is not strictly legal, and worthless My advice is, if you have to wait les six months until you can get insurance here, keep your road tax in the UK and insurance, but tell the insurers that you are staying temporarily with a relative in England and are on extended holiday house hunting in France give the report address s insurers and your insurance will still be valid We have done all this, and no problems.
2 A site visitor Comments on AXA insurance said July 28 10.
I read some of your comments regarding the French automobile insurance with interest that I recommend anyone reading this that they should under no circumstances make anything with AXA, or do so at their own risk and perils.
I tried to cancel my car insurance AXA through their agent M Malchirant in Lodeve for about five years with no luck, it still manages to find a loophole.

Last year, my new insurer Allianz sent personally by mail cancellation notice recommended that the decrees of French law, but for some reason AXA refused to accept it and I ended up paying for two policies of insurance for the same car, the total cost of 900 euros.
Again this year, my new insurer sent Malchirant by a recorded delivery notice of cancellation, guess what was delivered this morning, okay, another request of AXA insurance.
My new insurer AXA was horrified that forced me to pay by threatening me with the French equivalent of bailiffs, and is trying to get a refund recent years payment, but I'm not holding my breath.
I also disputes that the French car insurance is cheaper, last year my Clio elderly, fully comp with me with 40 years no claims has cost more than 500 euros, similar coverage in the UK would be around Ј140 .

Talking to a number of former expatriates in this field, if someone has problems with a claim, the AXA name always seems to be in the same sentence, and it seems to be a growing number of cases where AXA refuses to pay I hope this has nothing to do with us being strangers and not knowing the law, but do not ask you to do.
Again, I urge your readers not to go anywhere near AXA, apart from anything else, it must be the most expensive company in France.
3 A different experience with AXA insurance said June 12 10.
I would give my experience of AXA in the Tarn et Garonne 82, which contradicts your other comments, so expensive 600 euros for the old Clio three years we have had the misfortune of two accidents over the last twelve years The first was a total write off and we had a showdown with the expert individual insurance appraiser, but our local agent AXA was very helpful and managed to half the difference between the appraised value and the value of replacement as indicated by Argus we have not lost our 50 no claims.
The second accident was not so serious and because it took place over three years from the first, there was no loss of bonus No claims.

I'm sure this is the local agent can try the insurance bank Their attitude is that we charge everyone the same millionaires to say the poor as their citation against AXA s was 400 euros if you have already been dealing with French banks and their papers by the bucketful mathematics are not too good keep trying, it is a matter of personal choice.
4 Further advice on car insurance in France and added registration April 1, 11.
Hi - regarding your articles on auto insurance in France, many people complain about the high cost Admittedly, the French car insurance is higher than the UK for probably 30 but no provision for claims is generally more low with a maximum of 50 initial If someone has problems acquiring good insurance rates, it is interesting to try the comparison search engine, Assurland I use regularly, I have a good insurance with Amaguiz, a subsidiary of Groupama, but make sure you get all your facts are correct and do everything over the Internet if they are a pain to deal with phone and call you, they only work with Internet and email I have not had any complaints, fortunately, so far I can not comment on this aspect Good luck.
I also believe Amaguiz ensure a UK registered car whilst it is in the process of registration in the French license plates We have 2 registered cars produced EEU LHD and a motorcycle, all without any real problems in this day, we are now about to immatriculate not EEU, 4x4 gray import Japanese UK can be difficult.

5 A site visitor comments on cars in France added scrapping 15 April 11.
I so far discarded about 20 cars registered in the UK to France and not once have I been asked for any kind of paperwork Actually the chapter to our local scrap dealer said something very French when I reached out for my first car V5 the same is to be found with the French cars we need to put the Gray Card, but no passport or anything else Re three copies of the paperwork that you normally use to sell a car a copy for the seller and two copies to the buyer, they will also keep a copy and the third copy of the Prefecture the procedure is as simple as that and I assure you that I barely speak any French.
In fact, we used to actually stripping us cars and recycling of plastics, etc. in local Déchetterie The bodies will be cut and sold for scrap and the rest, we will take back to the UK for disposal Why If we sell the car as a whole will receive us about 40-50 euros per car without tires which are difficult to establishment offers If we remove the car, we get about 80-90 euros per tonne for the body then we get for gearboxes and engines something around Ј160 to Ј180 per tonne if more aluminum on them and around of Ј130 per tonne for axles etc. a van will cost us approximately Ј250 in the UK and we will deduct say February 5 tons at a time and copper battery are also at a much higher price in the UK than France.
So I think it is easy to scrap your car in France not very profitable, but definitely easy and if someone wants to have a scrap moved, we do it for free, and yes we are registered and pay taxes 53 49 We also cover 44 35 72 61 14 50 but not everywhere in these departments but fairly regularly, we will travel 100-125 kilometers, because we get to see the country in which we now live as much as anything.

6 Comments about changing car insurance added 29 May 12.
Can t put insurance as moving the license plate you should call your insurance company and cancel the policy of the first car and a new policy on new car likely that you will get a new Bill, higher rates, not full credit on the unused portion of the old political Anything the insurance company can do to keep some of that money, they usually is not a big deal, you must registration and or title, bill of sale, mileage and VIN number, etc. Most times, you can do it right on the phone and then they send you a new card and insurance policy or if there is a local office, you simply select the phone just your insurance agent.
7 Comments about obtaining insurance through Schreinemachers added 6 June 12.
This thread has been very helpful to me, I am currently in the UK in imminent movement in France, I went to buy a LHD car with plates in the UK but given all the advice on this site felt too intimidated by bureaucracy Therefore, I, fortunately, found a French registered car on ebay which was just what I was looking, I emailed Schreinemachers and had telephone contact back in about 24 hours Every telephone conversations and emails in English and were very courteous and helpful that I had to provide analysis of the technical certificate of registration, control, driving license, proof of no claims bonus, a letter from our hosts France confirming their address and one of their utility bills, I know that sounds a lot, but luckily I had the most hand or could obtain them quote was better than others I received and they issued me with a temporary cover and logbook before he even transferred the premium for So now I can use the vehicle here in the UK and I'm not set up for France Ipeut t fault their service and I highly recommend it.
8 Comments about Schreinemachers added 30 October 12.

This company has given me outstanding service that I wanted to get my van Uk mail with insurance and every broker I spoke to the UK and France said it was impossible that I was talking about Polly Drew and she immediately made everything by hand and it was all organized in 24 hours it really saved the day for me, I highly recommend this company.
9 Comments on French residents with cars registered in the UK added 9 April 13.
After reading many of your advice about cars in the UK to France, I'm a little concerned that no mention of the law on registration of a car was here If, ​​as a French resident, you import a car, you have a month to put in the system After a month, you committing an offense If you have a UK reg car use here, it must comply fully with the rules of the United Kingdom - are taxable, insurance reply UK MOT UK Yiu to question 28 is particularly worrying - these people have a car that is now stored anywhere, so it was declared exported has not the right to be on the road with the UK's number not existing code of the French road would be interpreted as the fraudulent use of Article L317-3.
Insurance agents seem to be happy to take the money, even if you declare that you have to register your car in the UK within three months import here is illegal for a French resident to own a car registered here at abroad, as in most countries do not know.
Thank you to contact us It doesn t seem that you saw for French residents here we say paragraph above head auto insurance.
If you are a permanent resident in France, you are bound by French law French law states that if you are resident in France, insuring your vehicle is part of your civil responsibilitй If you are French resident to fully comply French law, you must register and insure your vehicles in the French system, which means changing your plate in the UK to a French plate Take a car in France and registration in France you can legally drive a car UK recorded which is insured with a French insurance company, but the registration deadline is one month, or up to three months in the event that a vehicle must be approved by the DRIRE It will need to go to the hotel local Taxes and ask for a tax certificate quittus the certificate is free and includes your authority to drive your vehicle UK on its foreign license plate for one month or as long as agreed by the authorities, while you arrange registration.

So we certainly mention the registration laws of a car if a French resident, and even a whole section on the registration of cars in France on our website.
The answer to Question 28 refers to a resident of the UK, keeping a car in France, I take your point about it not now may be registered anywhere but thank you for drawing our attention.
AXA - steer clear, car values ​​struck half priced car experts to replace, with some woolly comments about the state, tried to say the tires are not good until we provided an invoice indicating they were three months and had less than 5000km Totaly agree a re AXA comment about picking the British, they are happy to take our money, but they offer no help in case of accident does not use AXA now we have our question all our friends fFench told us the same thing.
11 One possible solution to maintain a vehicle in France for more than 90 days added 12 February 14.
I too have had problems with the insurance in France, I have a left hand drive motorhome in the UK I decided to park on our property in France for a year are not insured, just to save money Rough mistake, as when I decided to record it here France and get insurance insurance could not be ever remembered, or just say nobody says because you have not insured for 12 months and not NCB, it will be very expensive that we must ensure as a 18- year-old, so there is not much I'm 50.

So I called a company in the UK and nothing was a problem - result The cost was 165 pounds 46 or a little more than 200 euros for the year, with 365 European coverage We have a house in the UK -um as I passed by.
Vantage Insurance Services Limited Juniper House Warley Hill Business Park Brentwood Essex CM13 3BE.
I think they are a broker and use the camping and Caravanning Club The guys are really helpful, they offer a comprehensive insurance coverage, 365 days throughout the EU We park the camper in France and back in the UK by air, as insurance are fully aware and are ok about as I mentioned, we have a home in the UK where the registered vehicle, so we travel once a year with the van to keep it legal, MOT wise, but I guess CT work, but do not Quote me on this two days in the UK to maintain the MOT and tax to date, the holidays , ferries and WORDs - any cheaper work and deal with the french system.
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Auto Insurance in France, insurance, France, Property Links, French property editor.