Monday, November 28, 2016

Frogs and myth

Great Frog Creation Myth

Many different cultures have all sorts of interesting myths about frogs.
The frogs were associated with time in many ancient cultures, I guess it really makes a lot of sense when you consider that they tend to make a lot of noise before the rainstorms.
Some Australian Aborigines and Native American groups believed that frogs were the rain-bearing.
In India, frogs were supposed to personify thunder in the sky Even the word also meant frog cloud in Sanskrit.
In China, they see the TOAD, not the man in the moon Toad is also considered one of the five poisons of yin They say that eclipses occur when the toad in the moon tried to swallow the moon itself even.

Sometimes the cultures associated frogs with good and bad fortune.
In Japan, the frogs are good luck symbols myth I read dealt with the idea that bullfrogs are descended from a great ancestor who could suck all the mosquitoes on a whole room in one breath.
Some myths are less favored for frogs and toads Some folklorists have argued that if the first frog you see in the spring sits on dry ground, this means that in the same year, you paid so many tears that the frog he If would swim away in the other, the first spring frog jumps into the water, you'll have all year experience misfortune However, if the first hoptoad springs just jumped in your direction, you will have many friends; if she jumps away from you, you will lose sounds to me like it is best not to run in the first spring frog.
Some frogs associate people less enlightened, and toads in particular, as incarnations of evil demons or devils.
I read in my book called fresh frogs He says folklorists Cora Daniels and CM Stevans wrote nearly 100 years ago Check out this and other books in my neat list of recommended reading.

Some say you get warts from frogs and toads touch.
You get human viruses warts, no frogs and frogs toads have a slimy skin stay moist when it is dry, and toads have bumpy skin to help to camouflage in their habitat Some frogs and toads have paratoidal glands that secrete protective poisons that can cause irritation of the skin and can be toxic to some species of animals, but the warts have nothing to do with the frogs themselves.
For some reason, the French were given the nickname frogs There are many different theories about how this came to be.
The story I always heard was that the nickname goes waaay back to some time around the 18th century, when Paris was surrounded by many marshes French nobility who visit Versailles apparently tended to refer to Parisians as frogs because of the marshy environment and only later did the term is assumed to describe the french in general.
Another story I heard was that American soldiers have adopted the nickname for the French during World War II because they ate frog legs and hid it when camouflaged.
I also heard a frog once on the French flag, before Lily Flowers was adopted when King Clovis took the throne.

In fact, there are so many stories that I do not think anyone really knows secure If you have knowledge about the origin of this nickname, please let me know.
If you want to hear other theories about why the French are called frogs, see French frog stories.
Batrachophobia - Fear of amphibians, such as frogs, newts, salamanders, etc. Ranidaphobia - Fear of frogs Bufonophobia - Fear of toads.

Frogs and myth, frogs myth.