The recycling of lead batteries
Lead acid batteries start or electric cars, trucks, buses, boats, trains, rapid transit systems, recreational vehicles and electric wheelchairs all over the world The car battery also provides power stable electrical system of a vehicle during power outages, batteries lead acid in a calm atmosphere, without power emergency pollution for critical operations such as control towers for air traffic, hospitals, crossings, military installations, submarines and weapons systems in these situations remain on the phones is because every major telephone company in the world, including mobile service providers, uses batteries lead acid as backup power for telecommunications systems.
If there were no spare batteries lead acid, we would probably have blackouts almost daily because the electric utilities would not be able to handle the rapid fluctuations in demand electricity this is when the batteries lead acid come to the rescue, as the huge battery arrays delivering large amounts of power for short periods of time until additional capacity is added to the grid.
truck batteries to power electric lead-acid fork used in warehouses, factories, mines and ships they also feed the shuttle vehicles at airports, as well as wheelchairs, shuttles to the theme park and golf carts on the road, lead-acid batteries for electric vehicles to electric public force, buses, and soon mail delivery vans.
Why recycle lead batteries At least recycle used batteries lead some toxic components pose a potential risk to the environment and human health However, recycling.
Protection of natural resources by making products from recycled materials instead of virgin materials, we keep the land and reduce the need to mine for more minerals.
Energy saving It takes less energy to make a recycled battery Actually secondary lead ingots, for example, requires four times less energy to cause the primary lead.
Saves clean air and water in most cases, making products from recycled materials creates less air pollution and water pollution than making products from virgin materials.
landfill space saving When the materials you recycle go into new products instead of landfills or incinerators, landfill space is conserved.
Saves money and creates jobs The recycling industry and associated processes create many more jobs than landfills or waste incinerators and recycling is often the least expensive waste management option towns and cities.
All components of the modern lead acid battery are recyclable and the point of view of the lead acid battery industry is an environmental success story for the United States a little over 96 and is recovered in most G7 up 95 is recycled compared to the usual flagship recycled products such as glass bottles only 38 aluminum cans to nearly 64 and newsprint about 68, lead batteries are the undisputed leaders in the field actually, lead acid batteries have topped the list of most highly recycled consumer products for over a decade.
Unfortunately, the recycling of the battery is a utility battery and debris is recycled because it is profitable for the nonferrous industry to do so, however, in recent years, the implementation of regulations on the environmental health and essential work, and a historically low level of lead prices reduced profit margins to the point that most secondary lead smelters that are not recipients of government levies are hardly his and others closed due to severe losses.
It is therefore increasingly important for the secondary lead industry to generate as much revenue from a battery past as possible to improve margins and maintain profitability.
While there are processes that smelt whole batteries batteries most modern plants secondary break spent in a mechanical hammer mill and gravity to separate the components in a series of water-filled tanks.
The resources of the earth, no matter how we think they are abundant, are finite and precious to us all.
It is essential that the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe are free of toxins and keeping us healthy Maintaining a clean environment, reuse and recovery benefits us all resources also sound environmental management will support sustainable development and growth.
It is therefore in the interest of everyone to recycle as much waste material as possible, especially the lead-acid batteries, because if they are not recycled materials in the battery pose a serious environmental problem and a threat to human health.
Lead acid batteries, in any form, are recyclable to a greater or lesser extent, this only means, however, that a battery can be recycled after happened the battery itself does nothing to close the recycling loop if it is not recycled, but you, your governments and industries can ensure that they enter the loop by creating an infrastructure that will promote and facilitate recycling.
To ensure that the loop is closed, we not only need the right infrastructure, but we also need a battery is made of recyclable materials The modern lead acid battery is made.
A container of elastic plastic material which is usually polyethylene, but increasingly is made from alternative copolymers or reinforced, but the housing material may also be metal or a synthetic rubber.
positive and negative internal lead plates The cathode of the positive electrode is typically made of pure lead dioxide supported on a metal grid, while the anode of the negative electrode consists of a grid of metallic lead alloy containing various elemental additives which comprises one or more of the following and sometimes others not mentioned, antimony, calcium, arsenic, copper, tin, strontium, aluminum, selenium and, more recently, bismuth and silver These alloying elements are used to change the resistance of the gate, the corrosion resistance, reduce on-potential or maintenance, and the internal resistance.
porous synthetic plate separators are increasingly manufactured from polyethylene reinforced rib, but are also available in PVC and glass fibers.
The plates are immersed in a liquid electrolyte consisting of 35 65 sulfuric acid and water, it is the electrolyte which facilitates chemical reactions that allow the storage and discharge of electrical energy and allowing the passage of electrons which provide current flow.
The positive and negative output terminals used to connect the battery of the car and passing the current from the individual cells via a series of connecting tabs and bridges.
The pieces of polypropylene washed and dried are fed to a plastic recycling where chips are melted and extruded to produce plastic pellets for use in the manufacture of battery boxes.
Although some processes combine the waste lead flow, the most efficient plants feed the dough to the smelter to recover the soft lead and the gates and terminals are sent to a melting furnace for the production of hard lead ingots lead from two sources will be refined, cast into ingots and sold to the flexible lead battery manufacturer agrees to paste the battery and the ideal of hard lead ingots for networks and terminals.
polyethylene separators can be separated from the flow of waste and recycled polypropylene, although in most secondary plants the current practice is to use waste as a fuel supplement.
battery acid used can be handled in four ways neutralized, and the resulting treated effluent to meet the drinking water standards and then discharged into the public sewer network.
And after Reclaimed head with concentrated and used as electrolyte in the new batteries acid.
Chemically processed into agricultural fertilizer either using ammonia or motor sodium sulfate for use either in glass and textile manufacture or as a filler or stabilizer in detergent for household laundry.
Converted into gypsum for use in cement production or the construction industry in the manufacture of fiberboard.
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