Sunday, May 1, 2016

All you need to know about farms and farmers in France

FRANCE 24 Environment - farming future

Agriculture is one of the largest industries in France, the country is self-sufficient in food products from cereals, beef, pork and poultry, fruit and vegetables.
Although there is industrial agriculture, there are many other farmers who have decided to use traditional techniques and bio-farms There are many small farms producing high quality products Remember the tradition of French cuisine has a lot to do with this success, because people are looking for genuine local products.
The type of agriculture is very charged about the region that the climate and soils vary widely, but the ministry and the decisions of the EEC mountains to plains and coasts, you will find specific breeds in their home areas and various methods adapted to the terrain.
To speak English people looking for information on purchasing a farm or creation of agricultural enterprises in France.

Read the article on the day in the life of a French farmer Like many farmers, Remi has dedicated his life to his herd of Charolais cattle, 7 days a week all year fight to repay bank loans and worried for the future of his farm.
Aubrac, Blonde d'Aquitaine, Charolais, Gascon, Limousin, Maine Anjou, Salers.
Abundance, Brown, MontbГ liarde, Normande, Tarentaise.
Basque, Bayeux, west of White Corsica, Gascon, Limousin.
Berry Cher, Boulonnaise, Cotentin, Ile de France, Heath of Britain, Charollais Sheep, Sheep VendГ in, Red West.

AMP board game birds in Council in the pheasant, partridge and quail farming With over 20 years of agricultural experience gamebird, AMP Agriculture provides a site Service with reports and expertise to overcome all your problems, put you in the right direction for uccessfulbreeding professionalism at your service.
Game bird farms located in the Vendée region, south-west France The climate is perfect for pheasants, partridges and quail breeding With the capacity to export large quantities of eggs , chicks and young birds, the farm has the best reputation in quality but also quantity.
Agriexport International Contact for the agricultural industry.
With the Charolais cattle, the twin female who has a brother, be sterile.

All you need to know about farms and farmers in France, farms, farmers, France.