Sunday, February 26, 2017

List of Good Carbs and Bad Carbs

Diet Tip: Eat good carbs & losing weight!

If you are counting carbs, or at least pay attention to the amount and type of carbohydrates you eat, it can help to understand the difference between good and bad carbs According to the Harvard School of Public Health some carbohydrates promote health while others, if eaten too often or in too large quantities, may potentially lead to health problems.
According to between 50 and 60 percent of calories a person consumes each day should come from carbohydrates However, this doesn t mean that the carbohydrates you find in candy, cookies and other highly processed foods are the same as those vegetables and grains whole that's where the idea of ​​good carbs and bad carbs come.
It basically breaks down carbohydrates into simple carbohydrates being bad and being very complex simple and complex are terms that deal with how food is broken down into energy sugar in the body.
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Complex carbohydrates are those that give your body the best fuel They are usually found in foods rich in fiber, that break down more slowly, you are giving sugar levels stable blood during the day and make you feel less hungry and irritable when the afternoon rolls around.
It's a great idea to get more of these carbohydrates in your daily diet.
fresh fruit, ideally those with a low glycemic index such as apricots, raspberries, strawberries and blackberries.
Whole grains and foods made with whole grains, such as some types of bread and cereals.
Dairy products that are not sweetened with sugar, such as yogurt, sour cream, cheese and milk.

Your body quickly breaks down simple carbohydrates, giving your sugar levels in the blood peaks and send you running to the kitchen or a snack machine a few hours of your last solution unless you are an athlete or need a sudden influx of energy for some reason, it is generally best to avoid these carbohydrates in your daily diet.
Refined grains like white bread, white rice and enriched pasta.
Processed foods such as cakes, candy, cookies and chips.
The reduction of bad carbs can help you lose weight and give you a feeling of more energy and less irritability Carbohydrates are the fuel that runs your body Turn the fuel directly into your engine makes a world of difference .
Because good carbohydrate foods tend to have more fiber and fewer calories than many bad foods processed carbohydrates, you will feel fuller while eating less calories than you may even find that you are eating a greater volume of food.
If you think about the types of foods you are adding and those you give up, it makes sense should be much fruit to equal the same number of calories you eat in a candy bar, and you you probably feel satisfied after one piece or serving of fruit which is much lower in calories than the candy bar Even better, you will feel satisfied for a long time period and won t feel the need for an unhealthy snack later during the day.

Just because certain foods are less desirable carbs does not mean that you should drive them out of your life forever following the above list should not be regarded as a strict rule You should get most of your carbs day of the good list, but you certainly do not have to cut out all the rice or skip the birthday cake as long as you eat these items in moderation.

List of Good Carbs and Bad Carbs, list, good, carbs, your daily diet.