Sunday, February 12, 2017

Internet shopping U


The Internet has made it easy to find and buy items from almost anywhere in the world, however, many people find that getting a foreign element purchased successfully delivered to the United States is much more complicated.
When goods move from one foreign country to the United States, they are IMPORTED There are specific rules and regulations governing the act of importation - and they can be extremely complex and confusing - and expensive.
This artisan cheese from Italy can be a snap to find and buy on the Internet, but U S Customs and Border Protection may enter your purchase because some regulations prohibit the import of dairy products from certain countries without a license.
Your great auction purchase flax beautiful products by country of origin, quota restrictions could keep them in CBP long time and storage costs in such cases can be expensive.
In other words, the buyer Caution When you buy goods from foreign sources, you become the importer and the importer - in this case - which is responsible for ensuring that products comply with a variety of state and federal import regulations on imports of goods government that are not safe, that do not meet the requirements of the code of health, or violate quota restrictions could end up costing you a little money in fines and penalties to a minimum, these products would be held, and perhaps destroyed by CBP.
Knowing what is permissible is only part of the story The other part is how to import Depending on what you import and value, the procedures can be very complicated.

Whether you purchased the product of an established company or an element of individual sale in an auction online If the goods, used or new, is imported to the United States, it must erase CBP and may be subject to payment of duty and all rules and regulations governing the import of this particular product in the United States.
Keep the following questions in mind before buying something from a foreign source Answers will have profound implications CRP explained below that could influence your decision to buy.
The goods may be imported legally Are there restrictions on, or special forms required for the import of your purchase.
Are you buying the item s for your personal use or for commercial purposes.
Will you be responsible for shipping costs If so, you should discuss with the seller how your purchase will be shipped Choices are freight, courier or international postal service if you are not careful, transport and handling costs could far exceed the cost of your times, purchase, cheaper methods apparently can be more expensive in the long run because they are more susceptible to theft, logistical problems and delivery errors.

You should discuss with the seller that the exact delivery terms will be if the seller does not make provisions for mail delivery or door-to-door, you will either need to hire a customs broker to clear your goods and convey to you, or go to the port of entry and delete them yourself.
Can you trust the seller to provide accurate information on this item in the customs section of the shipping documents misleading or inaccurate information about the nature of the item and its value is illegal and it is importer - you - who could face legal action and fines for this offense.
The following is a brief introduction about the different factors that can affect the game of your products by CBP.
All documents for packages in the shipment has an international section to provide information AUS CBP Customs and Border Protection Declaration is a form obtained in most foreign post offices This declaration form must include a complete and accurate description of the goods, and must be securely attached to the outside of the shipping declaration forms vary from one country to another, and they do not ask for all the information required by US Customs and of border protection You should ask the seller to provide the following information, whether or not it is requested on tape.
name and address of the seller Item Description s English a legal requirement, for example, antique silver teapot, silk kimono, rope 18K gold necklace is very important that this information is accurate and detailed What is described here will determine the classification number and tariff rate attributes the item when it arrives in the US If the information is inaccurate, you could end up paying the wrong rate service that you purchased If quite wrong to look deliberately misleading - keep in mind that CBP inspects packets at random - your goods may be seized and you may be fined.
Quantity of each type of item delivered for example, two gold watches 14 karat, 17 jewel, a purse made of leather.

Purchase price in US dollars Provide both the unit price, and if more than one unit was purchased, the total value of all items as rigging or miscalculation of the price paid for the goods is a bad idea many sellers offer to disguise costs in an effort to save the buyer having to pay fees, but which is illegal for other sellers are wary of package managers and do not want them to know how valuable a thing perhaps that could cause its flight the most common legal precaution against theft is to ensure the package when sending You should discuss options with your insurance salesman, keeping in mind that misrepresenting the value of an item on the customs declaration is illegal.
Country of origin of the product itself be aware that this is not necessarily the country where the item was purchased.
Note: It is important to know that foreign shipments that are not accompanied by a declaration form U S Customs and Border Protection and an invoice may be subject to seizure, confiscation or return to sender.
There you three ways goods are sent abroad to avoid costly problems, you and the seller of your belongings should agree on which will be used the international postal service, courier service, or freight carriers.

International trade in goods postal service sent by international mail service is transmitted on arrival in the United States to one of the US branch of Customs and Border Protection international mail for customs clearance If the item is less than 2000 in value and are not subject to a quota or is not restricted or prohibited article, a CBP officer usually prepares the paperwork for import to assess the own duty, and release for delivery This procedure is usually called mail entry packages with a declared value of less than 800 100 if sent as a gift to someone other than the purchaser will generally be erased without extra paperwork prepared by CBP However, CBP always reserves the right to require a formal entry for all imports and generally exercises this option if that Elque anything unusual import, or important documents such as an invoice or sales do not accompany the item.
If an obligation is, CBP charge processing fees for clearing your Duty package and processing fees are usually paid at your local post office, where your package is sent.
Tip To speed up a program by examining the PRC at the International Branch Mail a port, the seller must sign a completed CN 22 or CN 23 Declaration of Customs and Border Protection Form outside of this package form can be obtained at local post offices throughout the world.
Pitfalls If the item of value is more than 2000, it can occur at the installation of mail until you can arrange a formal entry This may require either hiring a customs broker to clear your goods or you can file the documents yourself.

lost packets are hard to find since most packages mailed are not tracking numbers unless they are insured or you have paid to have a tracking number, it may be impossible to trace a packet If a packet is lost lost a tracer must be initiated by the sender of the packet.
Courier Shipping Goods shipped by express courier, or any other commercial service are generally accelerated by CBP by a customs broker hired by the sales department and delivered seamlessly to your door Customs brokers are not the CBP employees there a number of different charges associated with these services, including shipping and handling fees charged by the service for clearing the goods by CBP and customs duties and processing fees that may be due to your import.
Get seamless delivery Pluses All you need to do is sign for the package when it arrives in most cases delivery is fast and reliable When there's a problem, there is a tracking number that can help solve the problem.
Pitfalls Many people have found various charges and fees collected to be higher than expected, and sometimes exceed the cost of their purchase s.
Buyers often have the misconception that when the purchase price includes shipping and handling, all costs associated with the compensation package by CBP are covered by the seller, they do not realize that the brokerage fees and CBP rights can be an additional burden that the buyer is responsible for.
Freight goods shipped by freight can happen in the United States at air, sea or port earth If your goods are shipped by freight, you should ask the seller to ask the shipping company to send them to your door, which can result the use of the sender of a customs broker to clear your goods Otherwise, request that the goods be sent to an input port near you so you can delete or enter you should if expedition in 2000 See official entry value below.

Maybe Pluses economic, especially if you are ready to manage the customs clearance of goods by customs logistics you, the best way to handle big bulky purchases.
Pitfall If the shipping company is not responsible for forwarding your goods, they might end up sitting on the dock at the port where they first entered the country.
US Customs and Border Protection does not inform importers of the arrival of the cargo or freight lorsqu'arrive the cargo or freight in a US port of entry, it is the responsibility of the sender or a designated agent to inform the importer of his arrival, however, a proper notification does not always happen, especially if the sender has incomplete information for you, the importer, so it is important to know the arrival of your import and monitoring.
If you are not warned that your goods have arrived and you or your broker did not submit the necessary documents to CBP within 15 days of arrival of goods, your assets will be transferred to a warehouse, and you will be responsible for storage costs If you have not requested your goods within les six months of arrival in the United States, they could be auctioned See checklist under item 3.
The import process the payment of duties, the importer is responsible for the payment of any obligation on an import duty determination can be very complicated, and as marine services often provide an estimate of what the right rate an item could be that CBP may make a final determination of what is due You should not be misled into thinking that your purchase price includes the duty because the seller can not say with absolute certainty that the duty is generally a purchase price which includes shipping and handling do not include duty or costs associated with the clearance of goods for the first time CBP importers are often surprised by the bills they receive for service, customs and handling fee goods of border protection, and something called tariffs, which are taxes s actually for services broker pioneer your property by CBP.
How you pay depends on how your goods have been shipped If your goods were shipped by the international postal service, you will pay the mail carrier and or go to your local post office to pay for service and treatment due when your package arrives at the post office If your goods are shipped by courier service, the service will either charge you the service they have paid on your behalf or require payment on delivery.

If your goods were sent by freight, there are two possible scenarios for paying duties.
If no arrangements were made to transfer the goods to your door, you will need to either delete the CBP yourself, in which case you pay a fee directly to CBP at the port where your goods arrived Otherwise you will organize a broker to clear your If you hire a property broker, they charge you for their services and any service they have paid on your behalf.
If the arrangements were made to send your goods to you, you will be charged for any law and due to the Dealer has authorized the CBP.
U S Reminder Customs and Border Protection has the importer - you - responsible for payment of duties and not the seller.
Personal vs. business use regulations import Many apply only to goods imported for commercial purposes - business or resale - for example, most of the goods imported for personal use are not subject to quotas The only exception to this rule is Hong Kong tailored suits, which are subject to quota restrictions, regardless of the purpose for which they are imported for the other, the import restrictions that are based on health, safety and the protection of endangered species apply at all levels.

Note US Customs and Border Protection is authorized to make judgment calls on what is considered personal use Several identical suits or a number of very similar handbags will struggle to pass the elements of credibility test for use staff.
For commercial goods imported for commercial purposes must comply with various special requirements, such as marking the country of origin, which vary depending on the particular commodity Please see our publication, importation States STATES, for details Be particularly aware that an invoice should always accompany commercial shipments.
Informal entries If the value of your s purchase is less than 2500 and your products are shipped by mail or cargo, they may in most cases be imported as an informal entry However, there are exceptions to this example, if the import is determined to be for commercial purposes, the value limit for filing an informal entry for many textile items is 0 or 250 - depending on whether or not the article is subject to quota see below clearance of goods by CBP as an informal entry is less painful process that erased by filing an official statement Essentially, when the goods are cleared as an informal entry, CBP will prepare the documents, including the determination of number of classification and duty rate for your merchandise.
The customs duty for many items usually purchased in a however, CBP can is zero, the auction online charge a small processing fee for imports of mail that do not require the payment of fees.

If your products are sent by courier or express service, their brokers generally manage documents, and charge you for their services if your goods are shipped by freight, and want to erase by CBP yourself, make sure the company maritime has instructions to deliver them to a port near you otherwise, you should arrange for someone else to clear the goods for you when they get your alternative is to ask the seller to take arrange for your goods shipped to your door where you should expect to pay for the services of customs broker who coordinates when your goods arrive in the US A.
Official entries If your products are valued at more than 2500, or for commercial shipments of textiles materials of clothing, whatever the value, you will make a formal statement, which may require documents and filing an obligation Customs and border protection As mentioned above, and for various reasons, CBP may require an official statement for any CBP import, however, rarely exercises this right unless a particular concern about the circumstances surrounding the import.
Because filing a formal entry can be complicated, U S Customs and Border Protection recommends Consider importers to hire a customs broker to complete the transaction brokers lists are on the pages of the port CBP website .
One of the hardest things about filing formal entries is to accurately identify the classification number of the imported component of the Harmonized Tariff HTSUS US lists the classification numbers for all items imaginable under the sun HTSUS is the size of a complete dictionary and train specialists for months to learn how to properly classify goods.
The classification number of an element determines many requirements for this component of the import of such that the rate of duty, eligibility for special import programs like GSP GSP or Agreement free trade north American NAFTA, and if not done or items subject to quota restrictions.
Failure to properly classify an item can result in fines and or delays in delivery You can write Customs and Border Protection for a binding decision, or contact a specialist and import to your local port to help identify the appropriate classification number for your import item.

Quotas Many types of goods imported for commercial use may be subject to a quota limit is classification number of the article identified in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States and the country of origin that determine whether an article is subject to quota requirements.
In some cases, the quota is absolute, which means that once the quota is filled - because the quota has reached its limit for that period of time - no additional amounts of this product can be imported to the next opening period such goods should be stored or exported other contingents are bound tariff, which means that a certain amount of goods can enter at a duty rate, but once this threshold is reached - during a term - a higher rate of duty will be assessed for any additional amounts that however good special import unlimited quantities of certain goods subject to tariff quota may come in quota rate.
If you import goods for commercial use or resale, it is a good idea to contact your local input port for more specific information.
Fill the quota levels are currently posted on the bulletin board in the PRC file called Status of filling levels quota threshold for textile products are in the export quotas Importing.
The quota program is generally applied only to commercial imports While import many goods imported in quantities for personal use are not affected by quota restrictions, there is an exception; made to measure suits made in Hong Kong, which are limited in both personal and commercial use.

Buyers of prohibited goods should also be aware that some products may be considered contraband and can not be in the United States under any circumstances This includes the obvious, such as drugs and child pornography, as well as items less obvious such as contaminated food, and other items, the list can be found in the importation into the United States such goods may be seized by CBP, and tries to import importer may submit to civil penalties or even criminal If you have any questions at all about your purchase, you should contact your nearest port CBP and seek advice before completing the transaction.
Goods restricted Many items can not be imported into the United States unless the importer has the permit or license from the appropriate regulatory authority Some products subject to the most common restrictions include food, vegetables and dairy products; alcohol and tobacco products; birds, fish and animals and their products, products from countries subject to embargo, firearms and ammunition, cultural objects from certain countries, and copyrighted material.
The entry of prescription drugs is limited and subject to the approval of the US Food and Drug Administration FDA According to FDA review of the drug, it can be released to the consignee or seized ago, however, provisions allowing passengers to carry up prescription drugs in the United States if they come from a land border with Canada or Mexico.
Electronic transmission of information downloaded from the Internet materials are not subject to a law This applies to all goods that are transmitted electronically to the buyer, such as CDs, books, or posters However, the unauthorized downloading 'copyrighted items you could be prosecuted download child pornography is also a customs crime and protection of US borders has the power to investigate and prosecute those involved in this area and other illegal activities.

If you send goods to someone outside the US, you should know that most countries have similar regulations governing the importation of goods into their territory If you sell goods on a payment based delivery you may want to contact the customs authority where the goods are shipped to ensure they can be legally imported into that country also sold products for export are subject to conditions of application of customs and border protection and other government agencies US cars and goods in particular, with potential military applications, including some electronics and software, must be offset by CBP before they are exported and if you export goods to valued at more than 2500, you must follow the formal export procedures.

Internet shopping U, Internet, shopping, protection of customs borders.