Monday, August 8, 2016

disposal tips fat to help the city environment

Food waste: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

disposal tips fat to help the city's environment.
New York City needs the help of all its inhabitants to keep our fat properly liquefied current sewer system, oil or grease that FOG is poured into the drain of the kitchen sink can have serious effects FOG can hold on to the pipes and the sewer system over time, it can build and can eventually block the pipe completely if wastewater can t move freely through the pipes and outside the sewer system, it can save in your home and can cause unsanitary conditions and the damage that can be costly to repair later the guidelines below, you can help avoid repeated repairs and disruption homes and companies.
Cooking oil and grease is waste that the city sewer system can not handle and should not be discarded on the fat drain Dumping, fats and oil can clog sewer pipes , causing sewage backups and flooding sewage backups can damage personal and public property here is how you can help us.
Do not discard the cooking oil, grease and poultry fat in the kitchen sink or the toilet bowl.
DO NOT use hot water and soap to wash the grease down the drain because it hardens and cool in your pipes or sewer down the line.

DO place cooled cooking oil, poultry and meat fats in non-recyclable containers sealed and discard with household waste.
DO NOT use paper towels to wipe residual grease or oil out of the dishes, pans before washing.
The brochure below, disposal Cease Tips grease to help the city's environment, advise residents on how to properly dispose of used cooking oil.
Poured down house or storm drains, used motor oil can go to your local stream, bay, or port, where it can harm vegetation service stations and underwater life water are by law requested State to accept up to 5 liters of engine oil per person per day, free of charge Remember not to mix the oil in your engine with any other substance.
Do not dispose of used engine oil drains from the street or from home.

Do not put used engine oil in a sturdy container such as a plastic milk jug, and take it to your local service station for recycling.
For more information on disposal of motor oil and grease residential or commercial, or to report illegal dumping into storm drains in the street, call.
NYC Department of Environmental Protection 59-17 Junction Boulevard Flushing, New York 11373.

disposal tips fat to help the city environment, fat removal, advice.