test circuit Montlhéry
The man responsible for the creation in 1924 of the circuit 24 kms from Paris, nearby cities and Linas Montlhйry, the reason for its official title of the racing track of Linas-Montlhйry was an industrial Alexandre Lamblin The owner a radiator manufacturing plant for cars and planes and a sportsmagazine, the Aero sport, he had the idea to give France - especially the Paris region, which was at the time one the main centers of the French automotive industry - with a running track.
In the early 1920s were in 1907, a time of files and competitions of all kinds car against plane Moreover, Britain had built the Brooklands track the US had in Indianapolis race track since 1911 and Italy at Monza since 1922.
In 1923, Alexandre LAMBLIN, after doing some projects for the acquisition of a hundred hectares on the plateau between Montlhéry Nozay, bought land on the plateau of Saint-Eutrope, Linas near Montlhйry two studies were undertaken and less expensive, consider a length of 2.5 km ring, possibly supplemented by an external drive circuit, was chosen.
Raymond JAMIN engineer was hired to design the track is oval with two short straights of 180 meters in the turns, it has a concave-shaped profile cubic parabola with a vertical axis and the connections are plotted a curve logarithmic spiral, which is one of characteristics of the design of the ring is calculated so that cars 1 000 kg can be achieved, in the upper part of the turns, a speed of about 220 km h development , measured in the middle of its projection on a horizontal plane the level of 2548 24 meters line center Two thousand workers, builders, metal workers, scrap, carpenters and truckdrivers worked for six months on the construction of the track, using 1 000 tons of steel and 8,000 m3 of concrete Many ready-made units were used, making it an avant-garde building at the time.
Montlhйry quickly attracted a large number of pioneers and speed of their cars monstrous record from England because of the many restrictions assembly noise muffler, the ban on night races imposed by neighboring Brooklands circuit More a hundred records were set or beaten justtwo months after opening it was brand Rolland Pilain was the first to do it, and the record for the solo home run on the ring was to be held for a long time by Gwenda Stewart in a Derby-Miller with an average of 234681 km h.
Linas-Montlhйry was also a place where the races were organized Grand Prix Automobile Club de France took place for the first time in 1925, after adding a road course built in record time total full circuit 12500 kms He drew a large crowd including the President of the Republic himself the cars of a needle shows when the recordings were made in the opposite direction Unfortunately during the race, Antonio Ascari died at his wheel Alfa Romeo P2 on the new part of the circuit Finally, it was Robert Benoist its Delage 12 cylinders that have won from 1931 to 1937 except in 1932 took place the ACF GP in different formulas that have always attracted many spectators came to attend the duels Alfa Romeo and Bugatti, then the arrival of the Auto Union and Mercedes Delage.
Operating costs becoming higher and the state of the concrete coating which made it impossible to turn the cars at high speed, has led the directors of the racing track to sell the site in 1939 -consisting 750 ha at this time - to the french government, which placed at the disposal of the Ministry of war of the serious racing track deterioratedduring the war in December 1946, the technical Association of automotive, motorcycle and bicycle UTAC took over the management of tracks and facilities of Motor-racing track, renovation and maintenance, and the organization of competitions of the Ministry of war, under a long term lease and against payment an annual rent renovation lasted two years, he was accompanied by major adjustments such as the control tower, a stand with 1000 seats, a fuel station, the tracks on special surfaces and the creation of laboratories.
Since then, the activities have never ceased, mainly technical and experimental tests, but the competition continued to be organized The Cut Salon at the International Paris Motor Show in October and since1956 at irregular intervals, the 1000 kilometers from Paris However, the profile of the circuit is not really suitable for large speeds reached by that time.
The accident that claimed the life of Peter Lindner, Franco Patria 3 Marshalls flag in 1964 are a sad demonstration of this problem The 1000 km was only back in 1966 and, more recently, in 1994, the Cut Salon and the Grand Prix of the Golden age are the two latest sporting events in the ring in 1996, the Grand Prix of the Golden age is the third French automotive event after 24 hours of Le Mans and France F1 GP but, lack of volunteers, Fair the cut could not be held.
The circuit has faced in April 1997 and again in 2001 with the renewal of its license by the Committee on national speedways The current license was renewed on 9 May 2001 to 4 years OJ No 114 of 17 May 2001 Without getting what permit any race can be arranged to hold the cut Fair or the grand Prix of the age or certain work retrofitting is complete - in particular the establishment of a safety net capable of withstanding 300 km h speeds for the spectators in the straight line from the pits in round Two Bridges, and in the upper part of the ring.
The circuit permits the problem recurs every four years to save the racing track, a long-term project is needed to see the association of users of motor racing track of Linas-Montlhéry.
Number of cars allowed to take part in trials of speed circuit Montlhйry 2001 -2005.
Montlhery track motorracing, Montlhéry track, Cut Cut Salon Grand Salon Grand Prix.