Friday, January 13, 2017

luxury real definition by The Free Dictionary

Популярні відео - Словник і Вимова

1 breakfast room or extremely comfortable or framework lives in luxury.
One thing that is not essential but provides pleasure and comfort felt entitled to some luxuries after so much hard work.
B Something that is desirable but expensive or difficult to obtain or not the luxury of working in a laboratory updated.
the lust of the Middle English from Old French, from Latin Luxuria excess, luxury Luxus.
Luxury Synonyms, extravagance, frill These names indicate some desirable thing is not a necessity of true luxury ride in a limousine; a simple wedding without extravagance; caviar and other culinary frills.

1 indulgence and enjoyment of the rich life, comfortable and luxurious.
2 sometimes a plural thing which is considered an indulgence rather than a necessity.
3 something enjoyable and satisfying the luxury of independence.
4 modifier on state, or providing a deluxe luxury liner.

In lust C14 direction by former French excess Latin Luxuria, extravagance Luxus.
1 a material object, service, etc. conducive to physical comfort or sumptuous life, but usu not a necessity of life.
2 free indulgence in comfort and pleasures offered by these things a life of luxury.
3 a way of ministering to the indulgence the luxury of choosing.

4 fun unusual allowed to the luxury of a piece of cake.
5 a crazy form uncompromising value the luxury of self-pity.
7, regarding, or provide the luxury of a luxury hotel.
1300 50; Middle English luxurie Latin Luxuria rankness, luxuriance.
Sensualist - An entirely in luxury and voluptuousness.

Deluxe - Once two words, it is the French for luxury.
Eadness - Happiness derived from the luxury and wealth.
Luxury - Once a word for lust, lasciviousness.
It is like the others, you know, and I always want girls who do such things, I'm so fond of luxury, said Meg, trying to decide which of two shabby gowns was the least shabby.
Formerly, before Robert could remember, the house had been a summer luxury of Lebrun.
But it is a mistake to believe that our great ancestors - so accustomed to speak and think of human existence as a state merely of trial and warfare, and well prepared unfeignedly sacrifice goods and life at the request of duty - is a matter of conscience to reject such means of comfort, luxury or even like putting enough in scope.

He could not help, too, rolling his eyes around him while he ate, and chuckling with the possibility that he might one day be lord of all this luxury and scene of almost unimaginable splendor.
He escorted them to the house, which was part of a long row of the typical frame dwellings of the neighborhood, where architecture is a luxury that is deleted.
What unspeakable luxury was to quench that thirst with ice pure, clear water of the glacier.
And it was such a luxury that petting his pains, he could not bear to have a cheeriness of the world or network pleasure intervene; it was too sacred for such contact; and so now, when his cousin Mary danced while living with the joy of seeing home again after an age-old one-week visit to the country, he got up and walked in clouds and darkness a door, as she and the song of the sun in the other.
Rebecca was able to set some tasks, such as keeping small children to kill and another feeding poultry, pick up chips, hulling strawberries, wiping dishes; but it was irresponsible thinking and Aurelia, who need someone to look to have never loved that luxury with the talented Lorenzo leaned over Hannah.
All those living in the Great House Farm, and enjoyed the luxury of whipping servants when they wanted, old Barney to William Wilkes, the bus driver.

They reached the town by three o clock the third day, glad to be released after such a trip, containment of a car, and ready to enjoy all the luxury of a good fire.
You know my plan to raise these girls is not accustomed to the habits of luxury and indulgence, but to render them hardy, patient, self-denying.
I enjoy her luxury unannoyed; and after sucking his last crown, and a deep sigh, he got up and went solemnly as he came.

luxury real definition by The Free Dictionary, luxury, free, Latin Luxuria excess.