Tuesday, April 25, 2017

List of French Toll Price Caravan Holidays abroad Caravan Talk

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I am puzzled why my camper three axle is always much more than a car and caravan, but such is life, so no toll roads for us.
Hi Kontiki A very useful and an information link, thank you It does beg the question, people really drive these roads with tolls to fixed rate is also begs the question whether non toll roads which were used are the differences in the time fuel costs are also economies if necessary to use the ferry Santander and Bilbao shorter car-free throughout Spain Our journey would be with the Volvo Geartronic 2 4T and cross Elddis SuperSirocco We intend to make a winter sun through France and to the Costa Blanca using the AP7 to finish at Camping Florantilles near San Miguel de Salinas and in order to go further in Manga Modified by TheTravellingRooster September 5, 2011 - April 54 hours.
We also try to avoid toll roads if there is an N decent road, but with a long unit 40ft it is sometimes difficult to find parking, so we often slip on a highway for a while to get a Concept or a service area.
There are so many advantages and disadvantages of toll roads, such as the Spanish ferry lines Not only is there a balance of cost, there is a balance between the speed of travel, see more of France, relaxed driving the ability to switch on the cruise control, parking a little safer in the service areas, etc., etc.
I have somewhere a calculation for the Spanish against ferry tolls and fuel for my camper - not the preferred route owner about the price, but not in time - mainly because of sleep and traveling together on the ship .

For my own itineraries for example, I'll toll in Obernai in Alsace - an average journey time of 9 hours with a stop and the stop of fuel in Luxembourg.
The road from the highway via Reims cost me 120 euros and take about 7 hours, I could of course free race toll Metz and then pay the toll there - about 27 euros, so even a reasonable economy and in this scenario, Metz - Obernai, a time difference of about 75 minutes.
I also have to pay Class 3 Some scary prices there.
I'm sure the class 3 is not just that I would class 2 I am not more than 3 meters high, and I'm not quite over 3500 kilograms.
A75 amost anyway yhe for me on Sunday, from Barcelona to Dunkirk via Millau Just to sort of Barcelona where I'll take the A75, and a bit out of Sot leave the A75 and Dunkirk I myself even given 4 days of driving to complete so I'll be relaxed, and taking my time.

Graham I can already hear the clink of wine bottles with toll money saved under the leadership of Field 5 September 2011-07 31 hours.
Do people really drive these roads with tolls to fixed rates.
Indeed, they make a lot of them do not forget the French have more tax on the road which compensates to some extent, the use of toll roads and HSL are forced to use toll roads in many places by weight restrictions on other roads.
One may also ask if the non-toll roads were used what would be the difference in time fuel costs being.
Use to get the cost of tolls and use options to include the type of routing - caravan - fuel - fuel costs - or if you work your mpg as a cost per mile, and insert this figure you will get a fairly accurate figure the total cost of a trip.
By selecting different routing options - highway - not toll - an economic comparison can be made between the cost of fuel and time for a specific trip.

I also have to pay Class 3 Some scary prices there.
I'm sure the class 3 is not just that I would class 2 I am not more than 3 meters high, and I'm not quite over 3500 kilograms.
So, you must have three axles Edited by beejay 6 September 2011-12 19 hours.
timestamp quote Name beejay post 1315310889 555147 Indeed they Many Do not forget the French no longer tax the road which compensates to some extent, the use of toll roads and HSL are forced to use toll roads in many places by weight restrictions on other roads.

Hi Beejay I had overlooked the fact that the French no longer have the road tax They work well compensate for all the world tingling else who wants to cross their worst scenario Doorsteps Borderline is the output of other European Step Harmonize then with the French and anywhere and everywhere could become restricted areas, I would have thought it was a movement against-productive to charge everyone who passed on their tires on French soil If a country decides to set tolls as a default, and visitors to the country could be electronically identified statement of charges, it would leave the french pay for their own roads after all is said and done the other french who do not drive road tax UK toll roads other than the M6 ​​toll Road, if they choose a resident of UK with a large 4x4 that costs more than 00 Ј400 per year Road Fund GOES towing abroad a large double axle caravan and a long retirement getaway There She decided that France throu gh in Italy and then back to Spain and at home through France is the road that is necessary to take in all that we want to see; really get a kick Now the real victim is the Pensioner movement on a fixed income with a small private pension and a very tight budget who wants to achieve a working life of desire.

List of French Toll Price Caravan Holidays abroad Caravan Talk, French, fees, prices, caravan.