Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Identifying Smells and tips cars to find the source

How to find Exhaust Leaks - EricTheCarGuy

Identifying Smells and tips cars to find the source.
There are many car feels Some of them may be normal, but others, like a car or musty odor car smell of mold can be a sign that something is the question The best way to eliminate smell is to determine its cause, repair, and then go to deodorizing your car that smells is trapped in the fabric Some of the most wicked car smells include sports socks, sulfur, rotten eggs, burnt paper and a gas station to name a few.
Most of them are related to a leak If your car smells like a gas station so there is a leak in the fuel tank vent pipe or fuel injection line This is very dangerous because that gasoline is flammable Many times if you have an old car, before 1980, this odor can be normal, but for modern cars, this odor is a problem.
If you get a rotten egg smell when the engine is running, this is due to hydrogen sulfide compound There is a small amount of sulfur in gasoline When the gas moves through the catalytic converter, it will be transformed into sulfur dioxide, which is then, if not the smell of sulfur is not transformed and odors, your catalytic converter is broken.
This odor normally occurs when you have been hit very hard brakes or have used the brakes a lot this burning smell occurs when the brake pads are overheating This may be normal if you have to go down a steep slope and up the brakes However, if this happens with the normal conduct when a brake caliper piston seized creating a drag brake You can also have left the handbrake or parking brake.
The smell of maple syrup is an ethylene glycol leakage This may occur when the engine is hot or if it is cut Ethylene glycol is highly toxic and can come from many places, including a seal intake manifold that failed, the heating pipe, radiator hose, or cylinder head failed If the smell of maple syrup is very strong on the outside of the car, then you probably have a plug radiator leaking If the smell is particularly strong within the car then there is a problem with the heater core.

Most of the time the smell of an old gym locker is related to the air conditioner's fan and heating You probably have more mold in the system There are several ways to get rid of the mold, but the easiest step is to turn off the air conditioning and fan are running high this dry your system.
You can get a smell of hot oil when the engine is hot This happens when oil gets on the exhaust manifold, which is warm This type of hot oil smell is very pungent odor If the hot oil as French fry oil then you have a crankshaft seal is leaky you'll notice the leak on the pavement under your car as the oil can spray everywhere.

Identifying Smells and tips cars to find the source, smells, tips, tricks.