Sunday, September 11, 2016

France to be the largest producer of wine worldwide, despite the decline in exports France 24

French wine producers open vineyards in Ethiopia

There was good news and bad news for the wine industry in France this week, it became the country should overcome Italy to become the largest wine producer in the world, although a decline in demand from China has seen falling exports.
Italy has been hit by an unusually wet and cold summer with a devastating effect on the harvest of wine, the farmers' organization Coldiretti said Tuesday Consequently, production is expected to fall to 41 million hectoliters, an down 15 percent on last year and the smallest of the country experienced performance since 1950.
In contrast, the production of wine from France is expected to hit 45 million hectoliters this year, according to the ministry of agriculture, against about 42 million in 2013.
Although the final figures for the two countries will not be available until the respective harvests were completed in late October or early November, if the forecast is accurate surpass France Italy to become the world's largest wine producer in volume.
In Italy, lower production of up to 30 percent are expected in Sicily and Puglia, the hardest-hit areas by bad weather and the consequent prevalence of a number of plant diseases affecting yields vine.
Precipitation totals across the country in July was 73 percent higher than the monthly average, a trend that both tourism spending considerably reduced and diluted the production potential of grape wine.

Wet weather at the hottest time of year is particularly bad for grape growers because it encourages various forms of fungal decay.
The Italian wine industry is a major player in the troubled country's economy Its producers employ 200,000 in January 25 million people and have a combined turnover 9 5 billion euros, half of which is raised by exports .
But all is not rosy in France, or winemakers may move the fruits of their bumper crop is becoming more difficult with the international demand, especially from China declined.
The Federation of exporters of wines and spirits French CFTS warned Tuesday that wine exports during the first half of the year fell 3 percent in volume five and seven percent in value compared to the same period in 2013 .

A fight against corruption and frugality player in China was the main culprit, said the body of trade.
The anti-player extravaganza decided in early 2013 has clearly had an impact of high added value products such as the great cognacs and wines of Bordeaux, Pierre Genest, deputy head of the federation, told AFP .
China's decision penalizes us more because it was sudden and we were not sure able to anticipate, and because it is the most popular products.
China has risen to become the fifth-largest export destination for wine and spirits French, but purchases are usually in the high range range of melted suddenly during the first six months of 2014, down nine percent in volume and nearly a third in value.
Chinese President Xi Jinping has launched a graft crackdown since taking office last year with a high-level series of takedowns of party officials who sent shock waves through an elite that once did little to hide their prosperity.

An austerity unit linked to the order of an end gifts and excessive banquets in the state sector also meant officials are wary of jumping too much champagne corks or opening upscale bottles wine.
The point drop in demand from China comes amid a general decline in global wine consumption.
The amount of wine drunk fell into the world of one percent last year to 239 million hectoliters after four years of relative stability, according to a report in July by the vine and the International Organization of OIV wine .
OIV Director General Jean-Marie Aurand blamed the global economic climate of the decline.

France to be the largest producer of wine worldwide, despite the decline in exports France 24, France, world wine producer.