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Total crude steel production for the 67 countries covered by the World Steel Association in January 2017 was estimated at 136 to 5 million tons, an increase of 7 January 2016 If China is excluded, the remaining 66 countries June 6 increase the production of crude steel.
In the European Union's crude steel production for the 28 countries in January increased 2 4 compared to January 2016 Aug. 13 million tonnes in Germany, steel production increased only 1 2-3 6 million tonnes, while Italian production was up 3 0 1 8 million tonnes of French steel production, however, fell by 14 to 1 1 million tonnes, while Spanish steel production is decline February 4 to February 1 million tons in the United Kingdom, on the other hand, production has jumped 17 5-730000 tons, while that of Poland increased 17 8-835 thousand tons.
Outside the European Union, production in Turkey increased steel August 12 to September 2 million tonnes, while production fell Bosnia 41-44000 tons However, Serbian steel production more than doubled to 87 thousand tons.
Registrations of new cars in Europe have shown an increase of 10 1 January 2017 for a total of 1 2 million cars that was the total in January the highest since 2008 the German registrations were up 10 5-241000 units, while that registrations in the UK rose 2 9th near 175 thousand units However, Italy enrollment increased by 10 1 to 172 thousand units, while in France they rose by 10 6 to 153 thousand units Spanish registrations increased 10 7-84 5000 units These five countries accounted for 68 of the total 5 in Europe.
In Russia, the crude steel production jumped 11 6 relative to January 2016 February 6 million tonnes, while the Ukrainian production increased 8 5 2 1 million tons of production in Kazakhstan increased by steel June 14 to 399 thousand tons, while in Belarus production increased by nearly a third to 200 thousand tons.
In North America January crude steel production increased by 4, with US production by June 5 to June 9 million tons production in Mexico increased steel April 8 to May 1 million tonnes, while the Canadian production has actually decreased from 11 7 to one million tonnes.
US imports of steel fell to 30 9 million tonnes in 2016 from 36 to 5 million in 2015 and 41 million in 2014 4 A quarter of that total of 8 2 million tons from Canada and Mexico with 4 million from Brazil South Korea accounted for a 3 other 5 million tonnes in 2016.
Lower US imports was mainly semis, wide coil hot rolled seamless tubes and welded The semis imports represented 19 4 for total imports wide coil hot rolled 2016 12 imports 2016 and the welded tubes were 10.
South American crude steel production rose 11 6 January, with Brazilian production on 14 4 to about 2 9 million tons production of Argentine steel, on the other hand decreased by 11 6-291 thousand tons, while the Peruvian production jumped from 63 to 100 thousand tons Colombian steel production fell from February to June and 95,000 tons of steel production in Chile declined 11 7-90 thousand tons Venezuelan steel production actually increased from 28 to 70 thousand tons.
In Africa and the production of steel in the Middle East rose 14 2, while Iran was up production March 11 to May 1 million tonnes in January South African production rose only January 2 to 533 thousand tons, while production of Egyptian steel jumped from 38 to 535 thousand tonnes compared with January 2016 production of Saudi Arabia has increased from 16 to 483 thousand tons, while the production UAE increased 12 9-318 thousand tons production Qatari steel also jumped from 24 to 247 thousand tons.
The crude steel production in Asia for seven major countries in January increased of 7 1 Place Chinese steel production increased 7 4-67 2 million tonnes, while production in Japan rose 2 7-9 million tonnes the Indian steel production was 12 to 8 am 4 million tons, while the south Korean production rose 3 2 5 9 million tons production Taiwan steel rose 4 April to 1 September million tons of production in Pakistan showed a 36 increase to 340 thousand tons, ahead of Thailand at 310 thousand tons, which was an increase of only 1 8 January 2016.
Global exports of stainless steel is estimated at 21 million tonnes in 2016 as against 19 7 million tons in 2015, China, which is by far the largest exporter in the world, exported 3 9 million tons, up 15 2 from 2015 total Belgian exports are estimated to decline relative to the total 2 015 1 8 million tons, while exports of stainless South Korea rose 4 6 to about 1 6 million tons.
In 2016, 75 export stainless steel from China went to other Asian countries with Taiwan, South Korea, Vietnam and India being the biggest markets outside of the four countries, Italy is the largest market next to China.
wide coil rolled stainless represented 42 stainless hot exports of China in 2016, and the cold-rolled plate and sheet 30 is shown another export pipes, tubes and fittings 13 are of stainless exports China in 2016.
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Steel production report reviews global trade in 2017, steel production, the ratio.