Wednesday, October 12, 2016

French Adjectives

adjectives in French, adjectives French rules

An adjective is a word describes something, for example, in a green car, blue is the adjective because it describes the color of the car in large car, the great world would the adjective French adjectives can be a little difficult for students entering in learning french in fact, in most situations in french the adjective comes after the noun for example, rather than saying the green car would say that the car blue or green car in french also, another thing that makes learning adjectives in french a little tricky is that they must agree with the noun they're describing the male and female singular vs plural vs therefore say , green cars would say that this green cars, green green word is written with a feminine plural -es to describe.
Now let's learn the rules in the simplest or regular adjectives French adjectives take a s or plural, e for women and are for use feminine plural LET green to green as our example are four forms.
Men Green Example phrase I drink green tea I drink green tea female green Example phrase I like the green car I love green green car masculine plural-phrase Example I see green papers I see the green-green books feminine plural example phrase I see green leaves I see green leaves.
If the singular masculine form of an adjective ends with an E there is no difference between male and female forms in this situation, an example is orange, as in orange here are the four forms.
Example J Men phrase orange like the orange man I like the feminine orange man orange Example Sentence The girl is beautiful orange orange The young girl is beautiful Masculine plural-orange Example Sentence The DO oranges are no books orange interesting books are not interesting feminine-plural oranges oranges roullent very fast cars oranges cars go very fast.
If a word ends in s or x then there is no difference between the masculine singular and plural A good example is the gentle word which means sweet Examples.

Example Masculine phrase Sweet puppy The female puppy soft sweet sweet phrase Example J adore the sweet song I love the sweet-sweet song Plural Masculine Example phrase Puppies Sweet Sweet Sweet female puppies-plural Example Sentence The Sweet Voices soft voice.
There are certain situations where the adjectives become irregular This means that specific spelling changes occur in different forms depending on the last letters of the word, for example, words ending in N or L N must double or L and E add a feminine form Our example is good, which means this much advertising adjective that goes before, not after the name more on that later.
Good example Masculine phrase Good boy Good boy good female Example sentence The good girl The good girl bures-Masculine plural Example phrase Good Good boys feminine plural-boys Good Example phrase Good Good Girls girls.
Another example of an irregular adjective is singular when the male end into THEM In this situation, the two male forms singular and plural masculine ending with THEM while feminine singular ends in EUSE and feminine-plural ends in EUSES First example is happy, which means happiness examples.
Example Masculine phrase L'Heureux boy HAPPY Female happy boy Sentence happy girl HAPPY example The girl happy happy-Masculine plural Example Sentence The Boys Boys HAPPY happy happy feminine plural-instance sentence Girls Happy Happy girls.
Another key aspect of learning French adjectives you must remember is that there are certain situations where the adjective is placed before the name These situations usually have to do when you are describing the beauty, age, good and bad, and the size Here are some examples.

The pretty woman pretty woman beautiful woman beautiful woman The fine gentleman's handsome The boy The boy The old house The old house The new car The new car The good boy The good boy The good girl The good girl Poor the girl bad girl the boy bad boy bad the big the big problem problem.
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French Adjectives, French, adjectives, good good girl, good girl.