Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Why the French are thin (Hint It is not diet)

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Why the French are thin Hint It is not their diet.
This year, I did some traveling, mostly in Europe This led me to some interesting realizations about some cultural differences eat between Europeans and Americans.
I live in Montreal, which is culturally between Europe and America Depending on where you live in Montreal, it can feel more like you are in America or Europe.
I also lived in the United States and traveled there a few I visited more than 25 countries and have been to Europe several times I was four or five times in France, twice to Eastern Europe, 8 or 9 times in England some time in Spain and Italy, and so on.

Every time I go back and forth between countries, significant differences in eating habits become very obvious to me.
In America, obesity rates reach more than 30 of the population in France, it is 11 11 The obesity rate in France is caused by the fact that the French start eating more like Americans, because rates obesity used for only 5 5 1995.
In America, 33 8 of the adult population is now considered obese in 1997 it was 19 April Keep in mind that we are talking here of obesity, meaning a BMI greater than 30, for example, for me to becoming obese, at a height of 5 feet 10 inches, I have to weigh about 210 pounds.
Thus, even if the French and other Europeans, are going in the wrong direction with their eating habits, they still have a long way to go to reach the frightful proportions in America.
Then take a look at some important cultural differences.
In Italy, cappuccino or coffee with milk caffè is something you drink in the morning for breakfast at other times of the day, you are supposed to drink black espresso, and only after meals If you order a latte in the middle of the day in Italy, people automatically know that you are not Italian, they are also secretly laugh and sometimes secretly to you.

In America, of course, once we have adopted the caffè latte, or as we call it, the coffee, we didn t traditions around attach meaning that people have giant slats loaded with sugar and calories several times a day.
food material traditions because they keep a certain order of things and avoid overeating In England, tea in the afternoon allowed you to have a cup of tea with something sweet in America at all time of day is a good excuse to eat something sweet.
Other traditions we Vee forgotten is the dessert, which is supposed to be a special treat you after a meal, when you can afford it in America, dessert is something you eat soon after you wake up the morning when you have your giant muffin is also something that you eat throughout the day whenever you feel something remotely close to hunger.
As I learned in the pound of salt, sugar, fat, wonderful presentation of the food industry processed in America, the sweet breakfast is an invention of cereal manufacturers in the middle of the last century.
The Americans have a sweet tooth for breakfast, which is why they usually eat cake for breakfast unless they don t call cake instead, they call pancakes with syrup cake, muffin or cake Nutella covered cake toast or fresh bowl of cereal with milk almost cake.

Recently, I spent time with a Czech family, on my recent travels in Europe, I noticed how the typical Czech breakfast was typical sweet foods included sausage, smoked salmon, savory spreads, with some bread and some fruit many Europeans also eat raw vegetables for breakfast, such as tomatoes and cucumbers, to accompany their other breakfast choices.
In most regions, the breakfast is not sweet in Thailand could include the typical thick rice porridge, eggs, meat, dumplings and dim sum a kind of savory soup in other countries Asia, there is no clear distinction between breakfast foods and lunch and dinner food.
In France, people are traditionally the practice fasting for breakfast that's why the word for breakfast lunch in France actually means eating lunch later, when people used to have a growing with a cup of coffee in the morning, a new word was added to describe the new meal, he was called small breakfast or breakfast.
Most French people have very little food for breakfast Some French I know, living in Montreal, eat only fruit and a cup of coffee for breakfast a unique crescent is also popular to eat for breakfast France and dive into your coffee.
In France, snacking is bad as we have seen, the French eat breakfast if they eat any lunch is traditionally the largest meal of the day, and when the weather permits, it can drag on for hours and include many courses with wine dinner is usually small and many people only eat a few things for dinner, like yogurt and fruits.

But no matter what the French people choose to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner snacking is something that is not encouraged and generally not part of the habits taught to children in France, culturally, parents n not have this constant obsession and guilt surrounding parenting, which usually leads to more well-behaved children, at least according to the American writer Pamela Druckerman, who wrote Bringing Up Bebe An American mother discovers the wisdom of French parent.
In France, children eat three meals a day and have a snack around 4 pm Donate adults generally does have this snack in the afternoon course, things are changing in France, more and more people to break with tradition and snack more often, but after a stay in France outside the major cities, and to return to America, you d think you were dealing with two distinct races of man a just waiting to eat 2 or 3 once a day, and apparently that must eat every 2 hours to survive Guess which is which.
This constant snacking is also encouraged by nutritionists America and fitness experts, who have for years spoken against eating large meals that drain your energy and instead recommended to eat many small meals every 2-3 hours to keep up in reality, metabolism, the frequency of eating has no real scientific basis and apparently doesn t lead to good results, given that most of the world is going pretty well on 2 or 3 meals a day while Americans with obesity rates pushing 35, said to eat more often.
If you ever go to Paris, or on your next trip there, I want you to enter a Parisian cafe and ordered an orange juice orange juice In addition to practice your French, you will probably be shocked by the size your glass of orange juice freshly -squeezed typical in Parisian cafes is 6 ounces, or less than one cup of juice then you will be angry against me for having to pay a few euros for this, but at least you will have learned an interesting lesson in portion size.
While America's largest country Cars Food plates People I t bother highways myself and I feel more comfortable driving a Jeep SUV than a car Smart ForTwo But when he comes to food, the size of the material portions.

The theme of the portion size as a signal to overeat is explored in depth in the book The End of Overeating by David Kessler Citing a study of the eating habits of popcorn in movie theaters, people received large buckets ate an average of 53 percent more than the average data buckets Give them a lot and they eat a lot.
After a recent trip to Europe, I am writing this article in San Francisco downtown, I noticed all the ubiquitous Starbucks to go mugs I'm And also the fact that everyone walks around with those giant drinks, laden with milk and sugar, and unusual smaller sizes.
Give them a lot, they eat much less give them, they eat less and if the food is good, both groups feel equally satisfied.
I did not go into detail on this point travel almost every country in the world and you will notice how the size of typical portions are much smaller than in America, however, the French cuisine is revered worldwide as the culinary standard to which all other cuisines are judged and guess which is the French feature gourmet food small portions of rich and delicious food.
The problem in America is that people eat large portions of rich food that most people think are extremely delicious and the only way to stay slim while eating large portions of food is to eat foods that are naturally low in calories, such as fruits and vegetables.

The movement for Slow Food began in northern Italy, when its founder, Carlo Petrini, found that the Italians lose their regional cuisine and falling for the fast food culture from the American movement now promotes the traditions local food in over 150 countries.
When we sit down to enjoy long lunches or dinners in the company of the family, we eat fewer calories overall, even if the dishes can contain rich items such as cream, and be watered wine Although most calories per day may be from a typical long french lunch, overall calorie intake is lower than in snacking and fast fooding America.
The industry processed food in America came to answer the question that is in the minds of everyone in 16 hours and most of which have no answer to this question is what's for dinner The disappearance of the dinner family drove Kraft dinner and cookies for dessert, among other many processed food choices.
When we take the time to eat with friends and family, we focus on our food, we enjoy more, and we'll be less tempted after binge on sugary and fatty snacks to compensate Is it time to bring this tradition to this continent.
The obsession with the quality of ingredients is palpable in France, I once sat by a very lively discussion between two French men who were discussing the best way to cook a snail, and of course, where sources.
In France, it its deep concern about the area where the food is, if wine or other food products it is called terroir in French and it is fundamental to understanding the rather complex system of rules prevailing on specific food the country.

In France, for a cheese to score as Roquefort, it must not only be done using very specific ingredients, but also come from a specific area.
Of course, French wines are a famous example of this would be heresy in France and, in fact, illegal to label a champagne if the product is simple sparkling wine from anywhere else in the Champagne region in northern France.
Although all labeling laws make it difficult for some people to innovate, it helps preserve the tradition and purity of food products This comes from a cultural instinct to seek the best possible ingredients and a recipe for a very specific before you can call your authentic product.
Finally, a cultural difference less obvious room between Americans and Europeans is something I would describe as food Angst.
In America, everyone has access to an abundance of rich and delicious foods that unfortunately the side effect of making you fat and unhealthy at a very low cost at the same time, no one is more obsessed with food, systems and control than Americans.

Watch a French chef prepare his food and you would be shocked at how little regard they put in the amount of salt and butter they throw in their concoctions Yet despite eating those foods high in calories, french eat fewer calories than Americans, without even thinking.
Perhaps you've read the book Eat, Pray, Love, or have seen the movie In my opinion, the dialogue is more the angst of the food that I speak of is the movie Eat, Pray, Love, when in fairs hair Italians discuss these cultural differences.
Julia Roberts I feel so guilty that I have been in Rome for three weeks and all I've done is to learn some Italian words and eating man on barber chair You feel guilty because you're American you do not know how to have fun Julia Roberts I ask you man forgiveness of barber chair true Americans know entertainment, but they do not know how happy I am serious Listen, you want to know your American problem you are working too hard you you burn, then you go home and spend the whole weekend your pajamas watching television, but do not know pleasure that you need to be told that you've earned you see an advertisement that says it's time Miller and you s say that right now I'm going to buy a six-pack and you drink it and you wake up the next morning and you feel terrible, but an Italian doesn t need to be told that by walking a sign that says you deserve a break today and said, Yes, I know why I plan on taking a break at noon to go to your house and sleep with your wife ughs.
Of course, the quote taken totally out of context, but I think you get my point.
Instead of having both the guilt of food, we must learn to have fun when we let ourselves really go and forget thinking about food and enjoy it when it's time to eat and enjoy the rest of your time do not think about food.

I love the US and I love Europe, and I feel blessed to live somewhere that seems to be a central point between the two worlds My English friend Michael said I've never had a bad day in America, and I think that this short sentence sums up what I love most in this country.
The dynamism, innovation and energy of America also has another side, which is played in the obesity crisis Perhaps it is time to return to a sense of tradition and we could start to a larger dent in the obesity crisis.
How about I follow you later in my remarks What have you found to be true Leave your comment below.
Totally agree on the portion size was in Barcelona a few years ago and could not believe the size of soda cans, crisps, snacks all seemed like baby size portions but the smaller size is around the control part I think we have some smaller here in North America as well.

I too have traveled extensively in Europe, and I live in France, I agree with everything you said actually two events typified their attitude to food One was a go-cart track uncle his son and a cousin ran when it came to lunch time these guys have stopped hiring karts and prepared and all sat with their other workers to an incredible meal with fresh and delicious we had been there a lot, they invited us to join the meal lasted two hours waiting tourists were puzzled, but for the family, it was lunch and sacrosanct the other was baked bakery where early every morning the best smells floated him, and often throughout the day as they kept fresh croissants baking supplies to soak in your hot chocolate in the morning, not amazing cheeses in refrigeration units to go with chopsticks, local fresh lettuce, tomatoes and ham for a picnic lunch accompanied by a wine from a small local vineyard and nothing before or highly processed packaged in the place, except the salt course, you are walk much.
Some very interesting points you make in this article very refreshing.
Frederick, both tomato and cucumber are the fruits I love food; shopping for her I visited Union Square Greenmarket today, preparing, and enjoy it with friends I am a healthy weight course, living in New York I walk everywhere, and because of the countless food stores in my neighborhood, I shop often does not live like a typical American in New York the only jumbo size drink I ever bought herbal tea was iced Starbucks, no health and peace sweetener.
I think it is difficult to develop the tradition in a melting pot that doesn t really do melt, but remains layers.
I also believe that the nutritional value of food grown in Europe is higher than even organic foods grown in America Nutrient value thus fed less food is needed and used more effectively by the body than I can personally eat foods in Europe I do not eat in America.
But it is almost impossible to find a good green juice or green leafy vegetables throughout Europe kale and chard are important in my diet and I am grateful to go home.

Ah well written makes me want to return to Europe for a visit.
Thank you for this article Having lived in France and visit America a few times over the years, I find pretty much describes both the lifestyles of the quality of food in France is allowing them to eat less and get much more nutrients in terms of vitamins and minerals in small portions one thing I've noticed is that for dinner, although I find for people working the main meal is dinner meal usually consist of a salad main dish; main meal is the meat protein or fish with green vegetables such as green beans, carrots, peas etc; and small dessert when everyone just having one piece t They replacement of butter with olive oil so they are satiated with high quality fats that reduces the need for carbohydrates proteins They do not eat lots of bread for dinner, unless they have the cheese after main meal, but often they skip this part, so I think the main thing is a lot of vegetables and protein and not a lot of carbohydrates and yes, the breakfast is very low because they eat too much in the evening- they used to let the body rest from digestion with little or no breakfast.
I am so intrigued by the way the traditional habits of the people are I was raised to 3 meals a day, but at the age of 15 came across yoga and later reform ideas vegetarian food and I ' I changed to no breakfast plan, I took my life now 78 despite all the official advice is to have a hearty breakfast, I often do not eat breakfast until 15 hours or 16 hours with a second meal about 10:00 p.m. Although the first 6 months was a bit difficult, so my system got used to it, my body clearly love my vegetarian lifestyle macrobiotic I feel tired, have flu once as an adult, and no cold for 9 years my sugar are fine, and I never feel like eating between meals only from time to time I like a little fun late into the night as a small part of the crop Ice or a few squares of dark chocolate It was pretty easy to change at a young age; Maybe people find it difficult after a lifelong habit, to change their eating habits, I do not understand people crave for cakes and cookies a delicious fruit salad is much more satisfying.
I agree as I was in France last fall and even though I was eating more foods than me at home, I have not gained any weight, I was worried while I was because I was not getting all green I eat at home, but we snacked there, it was a good time and we had a lot of exercise that I was hungry.
I recently in Budapest and Vienna and the portions are smaller, you also have the option for small or large Alot tablespoons of soup meat goulash soupen it is so small enough as it is more like a stew I live in Cyprus in the Mediterranean and therefore a lot of olive oil, salads and traditional dishes of beans, but many ad meatloaf Unfortunately goes to junk food and fast food, and children fatter Although you still have folk traditions which still feeds on nature and it is very nutritious, if you find areas without pesticides.

I like your article, thank you My mother is English, living in America and it essentially eats.
Great article, the people of the continent still buy their food in local markets for farmers who grow food the traditional way, vegetables and fruit is so delicious is difficult for someone who is used to a supermarket tomatoe To appreciate how delicious is a being fresh and grown for non-storage flavor and a good culture here in the UK, we fall behind be happier with supermarkets But slowly slowly t farmers markets come back, it's more expensive but more nuticious and delicious.
Ha myself my nemesis is coffee, but reduced to one a day now.
A very interesting article and so true that I am in the UK and my husband and I often talk about how our nation was healthier when we had less choice and when the children learned to cook, buy and prepare food rather than buying ready is very little understanding in the general population, about how to handle food, especially among young people, meaning those around university age, which, thanks in public food scares, hype media extravaganza will put food that's been sitting on the worktop for 24 hours in the bin, for fear of him being out I speak tomatoes here, or bananas not pieces of meat, I work with this age group and they are usually a little time or a lot overweight and knowing how to eat, cook or store food properly food that was once my treatment is intenant considered safe to drink several times a day and needed a day Willing food and junk food that was once expensive and for the better with the poor people eat staple food, has become so cheap in real comparison f ood our nations eat this junk as staples in their diet their taste buds were corrupt and they are addicted to junk food I think this kind of conversation is so useful to bring the whole question of our relationship to food in general awareness and understanding of how we actually use food as an emotional anesthesia rather than an enjoyable experience that is a time in his own right.
I could never do small frequent meals myself, the two largest are better for me, I think that the supply of food here is so flawed and unnatural, that just doesn t satisfiest when you eat and you feel like a little more Europeans will tell you that their grains are more filling and healthy than their American counterparts, so when you eat a slice of bread or a small bowl of pasta, you will be full I blame the food quality, rather than quantity.

Yes Frédéric your observations are absolutely perfect.
I was in America and Canada last year on vacation the 1st time for Canada and the third for the United States, and noted the large differences between European and American eating habits I love both countries and who want to make more trips to the times, but I just can t get on portion sizes My husband and I soon learned to order food between us and we both ate more than enough and was in Canada, the United States, I do not know the statistics, but observationally Canadians are becoming obese as their cousins ​​Americans.
I also noticed that, unlike North Americans don t just Europeans eat They prefer their food with many flavors and spices, many of which are fattening if you order a salad for example as a main course, it contains everything except the kitchen sink, I wonder if that's because the American food is mainly genetically modified and has lost a lot of natural flavor, I am also very disappointed by the lack of fresh fish in Canada that seems incredible, but when we were almost on the border of Alaska and sampled the best salmon in the world we have also had the chance to be in Seattle when the salmon season was we ate grilled salmon for lunch and fish dinner just grilled, baked potato and a small green salad, and I was in heaven, I used to shake the hand of servers when they Fri. us offer great sauces platters, salsas and bread and salt.
I have observed in previous emails that Americans nutritionally starving, hence the need for large portions and lots of extra flavor that I do so hope that Americans are able to answer that before too long and get their food administrators to really listen to the concerns because it is affecting all of us globally.

I am very pleased that my friend sent me this article because I am visiting New York now and I quite humorously tells a friend yesterday that when I'm in Canada and the United States, I feel so thin as when I'm in France or Italy, I feel fat and in fact I am not just average, not the lean fat just not healthy and I live in Dubai.
Some observations that I think most cultures have positive and negative to their diet and it is important to find what works for yourself, we tend to be obsessed with food, it's become something much more food, but more like our lives revolve around it will be in the next meal research balance is essential.
Shortly after my German husband arrived in the United States, once I ran into the grocery store while sitting in the car when I got out, his mouth agape, You know, I did 've never seen so many people really, really fat in my life.
I think some of the US obesity came after World War II Men who returned had seen a lot of hunger and it was determined that their families wouldn t have to suffer like this for them, sugar, butter, white bread, etc. were positive and which keep their families from starving.

Finally, when we go out to eat, we sometimes's order two meals and seek to put in a to-go box we share another meal, which is always a lot to two, and from next day, a takeout.
For the author, Please don t confuse your problem with the Americans in America with the infiltration of processed foods on our planet.
I'm not sure where you were a tourist, but I've never my seven years of life seen anyone eat anything else here, but bleached white flour baguette with butter and loads of sugar and jam dunk each bite in their latte-you were hung only with vegans do you go to a grocery store to see they were filled to the brim with French brand processed packaged foods Did you know that the popular solution here to obesity and type 2 diabetes is not a change of diet, exercise and stress reduction, but drugs with side effects and stomach reduction surgery that causes mineral deficiency, and then you will need medication.
You can not tell me that the romantic idealization of anything, really, is the whole picture french burgers American dietary fat people pleasure better than America that I expect many, many more people who say they appreciate culture.
I do not that you are wrong necessarily think in your comments, but I have some points to make your comments reek of your privilege Obesity in America is directly related to the standing socio-economic position of whites are obese, but if you look where they are more likely to be obese, then you will see that it is in the poorest whites more countries, you will see that in America the average Asian immigrants and families have an obesity rate they also a higher rate of socio-economic studies Black and Latin American populations have higher rates of obesity and associated diseases such as diabetes and heart disease These two communities are also two of the most economically excluded US, although in the case of the Latin American population is changing a little food, weight and class are strongly associated in America This p was somewhat secure in your romanticizing of French and Italian notions of tradition, but your statements about an entire country seem to lack a nuan EC would expect when you pass judgment on the largest, most diverse countries in the world.

Loved breakfast in Peru was a lawyer, bread and preserve, with Matt on the side tea There was a huge lunch and then a piece of bread for dinner again with tea Not much snacking if I had more bread, rice and potatoes in that 3 weeks I had in my year if a plan, but I lost about 15 pounds also helped that I was walking around 3 meals a day without snacks in between and since smaller portions led to my loss of 60 pounds that I have been now for about 2 years I wish I could walk everywhere or at least add walking more.
I enjoyed your article here in Australia, I am shocked how many children are overweight at a very young age, I struggled with weight all my life and I try to teach my children good habits, but it is an uphill battle.
Parents always here seem worried that their children will be hungry, they cram their lunchboxes full of small packets of shit snacks as they call them schools are a very small effort to encourage children to drink water and eat fruits, but cutting healthy canteen imposed protocols to be a joke.
Our supermarkets are also a joke They are in the business of making us fat so we buy more food at the end of each aisle is a form of highly processed substances, such as highly flavored food, always reduces children and adults have lost the ability to taste real food with their point of happiness unable to recognize the true flavor.
Meal portions are out of control and my cheap 16 years think it's cool to drink a bucket of frozen Fanta after his shift in a fast food business, after all, it only costs 1.

Our doctors are pushing drugs as the answer to every illness instead of trying to help patients understand where everything went wrong My friends with diabetes and heart disease are all very drug and recommended to eat carbohydrates at each meal bread in most cases with cholesterol lowering margarine course.
Continue the good work hope that one day we can help turn around.
As an American who's lived for the past 36 years in Paris, I was surprised by the increasing number of French people now eat in the subway at all hours and in the street, I was surprised by the number of French Starbucks with giant drinks at any time of the day and long lines at McDonald's restaurants in Paris and the French countryside to cities, I see that the French are, in number, behind the Americans regarding the epidemic of obesity in the world, but catching up inexorably, like other Europeans there is also the issue of costs in addition to french on tighter budgets as in the States, it is much cheaper to feed your family fast food as expensive vegetables and fruit there is also the issue of advertising on TV when I arrived here 36 years ago, there were three state TV channels without ads th t whether the most popular show discussed books now there are hundreds of programs available, including reality shows and, as mentioned in a previous com ment, the French still smoke a lot of appetite for cigarettes especially young and removing consume the most anti-depressants world according to reports in the French press.
Means exactly breakfast lunch break fast the young The French people I had breakfast with over the years eat croissants, chocolate croissants, Nutella I discovered here in France or jam on toast barely food prices.
The saddest article I recently read in the French press is that a shocking 85 restaurants in France now serve dishes prepared industrially, which are heated, not the fancy French chef creations mentioned above so tenderly.
What I find most interesting is how we are all the same, throughout the world, when we have the same choice presented to us.

I am a retired flight attendant who spent much of his life in Europe You are dead on cultural difference here who make me mad here My kids are great, and although I did not like the same thing then it is even worse now buy healthy food, all in giant containers of vegetables and fruit when feeding a family, it worked, I found a way to use all Buy now , baby boomers retirees do not need these giant bundles everything you wind up eating more than you really want, or throw on small quantities How the packaging or European style, buy only as much as you want handful of cherries, not a bag of two books anyone willing to start this business.
We have the same problem, but we share the food ok with our dogs, take things to the ducks in the canal, and also frozen food for longer life.
I think it is an excellent article that I could add that many Europeans are buying eat fresh bread and cheese every day, however, the traditional European bread and cheese has no sugar, HFCS or chemical preservatives for him give a shelf life as the north American products do.
I was in Paris and I thought of making a documentary on the subject, but noticed other differences between French and American cuisine.

1 A salad at a cafe in Paris seems to be made of fresh lettuce garden, I know that picked fresh lettuce is like as I let them grow with me no matter where you eat in the US lettuce seems to be 3 to 10 days I'd like to follow the life of a lettuce leaf in both places and actually see the differences as the dressing is used sparingly in Paris and is light compared to the heavy savory sauces in US foods is higher fresher in nutrition.
2 Desserts in the US are too soft, in Paris and throughout Europe in the deserts are slightly sweet sugar feeds cancer.
Hello from a French Canadian fellow who now spends part of the time in Vancouver and most of the time in Australia no prizes for guessing which part of the time I spend in Vancouver.
My mother is a French national from birth to be raised in Montreal, we ate more like the French than the French Canadians we had a salad with every dinner after a simple dish, protein and vegetables and before a simple desert could be a compote of fruit or a French tart which had a very thin base with lots of fruits on it especially when the fruit was in season My mother was working so we worked had a nanny so that Belgian European cooks the food and almost everything from scratch My mother has an aversion to all food prepared to date and 75 she looks 20 years younger however, we ate our main meal in the evening as it was difficult to pack a main meal as a school lunch for my parents or a working lunch, but now I eat my main meal at lunchtime every day I smile toujou rs I take a piece of wild sockeye salmon in stores after a mid-morning stop at the gym, when the attendant said Have a great dinner showing his assumption that I won t be eating thi s for lunch I certainly will.
When I was in Italy near the French border in a small village recently, the stores would still be nearly two or three hours at lunchtime everyone go home and decent breakfast This reflects the important this meal for Europeans.
You hit the nail on the head and you express almost everything that was bothering me in terms of eating since I moved to this country, I do not think you've covered sufficiently sweeten the US bill , soft here is double and triple soft, for example ice cream that I used to love ice cream in my hometown, we had a lot of Italian gelato places in Germany that operated in the month of summer with the most delicious ice cream in American ice cream is sickening sweet and even artificially flavored Ben and the most expensive kind Gerry tend to have too much sugar in my brief taste I love your write up.

size American portions are enormous There is no doubt about it, they continue to grow as we continue to grow, but you can have cause and effect backwards We aren t get fat because we eat too much, we eat too much because we get fat, we are fat because the standard American diet SAD is full of sugar and highly processed carbohydrates When we meet the small sweet breakfasts, sweet desserts and sweet snacks and starchy foods we fill vacuum nutritional sugar and processed wheat products in an hour or two, our bodies are screaming for nutrition in the only way he can eat us more hungry, but we continue to eat nutritionally barren foods, and our bodies require increasing all sugar and all refined carbohydrates and starches that turn into sugar causes excess excretion sive insulin causing the storage of fat mass over body needs more nutrition, and the cycle continues When we stop eating all the sugar junk foods and refined carbohydrates, appetites RETUR n quickly to size normal and the part are reduced This effect is almost instantaneous once we do this, eat a lot of fat is not a problem the french paradox is easily explained contradictions do not exist Every time you think you are facing a contradiction , check your premises you find that one of them is false Rand, Atlas Shrugged Ayn New York Random House 1957 Print the premise that fat makes you fat and causes heart diseases, the premise is false and sugar refined carbs are the bad guy here Notice how the traditional french diet is short on these.
very interesting article that seems to put my finger on.
I think it is a point of observation, and not without a lot of research out there that supports It is also a fairly well-accepted idea, even in America there diet plans after diet plans around the concept but we get really busy this with the update of our Facebooks, after the news, texting all day, oh, and work long hours may be linked to the lower level of concentration, which with other distractions we meet so driving, or seek whatever is on sale and quick to Wal-Mart, and call that food on the way home to watch television run children's seats and own home I'm used , in recent years, labeling stuff we eat as Realfood or NotFood yet we sometimes eat NotFood, but it is what it is, I also discovered that Realfood is actually much faster than re stauration fast and I am as when I eat.
My brother moved to France there a year and lost 50 pounds, he did not have a car so walking or taking public transport, his French wife cooking excellent food at low cost, it is the happiest and most healthy he's ever been in his life whether I agree with your article.

Ps I guess I'm glad I've never liked soft drinks or candy since I was little, I lived in places that were remote and didn t have fast food we hunting, fishing and collecting wild foods almost nothing in a grocery appeal to me, its all starch and sugar and lets not forget the tons of bottom line conservatives is people can decide what they put in their mouth, sometimes it takes a little more effort to find and prepare natural foods, but his most important effort, the other one can make us live.
This time, I can only praise to give I was in Europe for 11 years, my first 4 years in France, and the last seven in Spain, and I agree with all that you have presented here There are only a few things I would like to add the French way of eating one is that most people eat consciously little, he is like one of the unwritten rules that we should all eat smaller portions of everything from deserts particular, and that is otherwise plain and not really socially acceptable one second is that, as you have written, there is absolutely no snacking, often for stretches 4-5 hours, but very important, meals have a higher proportion of fat, especially saturated fat cheese, which naturally makes people less hungry for more extensive, since fat has the greatest influence on satiety of all food Finally, s people drink just water, not sugary drinks as is the norm in America is also very important.
In Spain things are very different compared to France and Italy, and all for the worse People in Spain like beer, chips and crisps, all kinds of fried doughy things, etc. So there are a lot of obese, and tons of fat, and the more they are, the fatter they get, as you might expect, however, one thing that people tend to do, is to have a breakfast, a big lunch and a small dinner so the problem is really with snacking on junk food and beer and chips which is quite pervasive.
Every since I was fully in contact with CHOSEN only the joy and the application of the joy that the only criteria for what I do in my life while refusing to settle for anything that is not happy, books were automatically disappearing, I only eat what trulyappeals me WHEN I remember by hunger to eat what might be in the afternoon, I am a bargain hunter consumed and enjoy the thrill of hunting I expect to find great stuff, and opportunistic buy amazing high quality food for much less 50 to 75 that the cost in full detail I cook my own meals 95 time, and like to do, I found a way to turn all my fridge with fresh products preserve putting green bags in drawers and on shelves and running a fresh device 24 Berry 7 while taking my fruits and vegetables my main ingr édients my meal every package of unopened bags or containers that could prevent them from being exposed to the antioxidant atmosphere seems to have created in the jerk by taking advantage of the incredible sales that I am able to change my CONTINUOUS meals and never bored while holding fast to my vow to eat only the best and that's what shows part of my recent purchases include Lindbergh organic rice long grain brown 2 50 2 lbs, 17 oz Real Estate- bottle numbered and Italian olive oil for 2 packages 50 and 7 oz Pecarino Locatelli Romano January 29 Do I stock a bit I noticed that the more complete my pantry, I want to eat less.
I also enjoy gardening increasingly growing basil and mint tabbouleh and pesto 1 March 98 pot I bought in May of Trader Joe's the basil was worth, I recently cleared land high full of weeds from my garden, and oF hUNDREDS of Creasy Green Upland Cress plants miraculously appeared in their place and exercise is a lot of fun.

There is so much more that I could add, but just a small glimpse of a joyful way of living that NATURALLY in a life filled with joy optimal.
JACQUELINE CORBETT I love your eyes LOVE this idea I found the older I get, the fittest I have to live my life that way No time to junk the treaty which is not satisfactory eat without hunger , meh, why do it when it means I won t really enjoy what I'm all about joy and happiness, laughter and music Thanks for your great response.
Good points I would add that the Americans seem to be afraid of the food I had in France B B and was amazed by all things American couldn t or wouldn t eat.
Dear Frederic Patenaude I totally agree with pleasure give when you eat like a European My parents taught my brother and me to serve a small portion first and after finishing you can serve for the second time but barely Wii we go for round We are 40 and enjoy without major health problem.

Look at you again most are really obese negros and Latins it is shocking course, there are white obese fat people too, but just drive down the street, go to Wallmart and take a good look just me remember that eating Europeans meet thought for us, its disgusting, primitive as cavemen, and more dangerous 900,000 have died in this country eat undercooked or meet wines every year, so I said what will with that, how can we Europeans away with eating raw meet is not also die or are they, and we have not said that I was working with Pan American World Airways for nearly 40 years, has traveled the world, spent a month in Italy, France, England, to begin as also my favorite trips through Asia but ugh first.

Why the French are thin (Hint It is not diet), French, people, thin, index.

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