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French polish finish is commonly found on antique furniture It is often mistakenly called substance to be applied on wood, but in reality, is a method of applying shellac to a woodworking project that produces a hard surface with a high gloss, mirror-like finish.
The French polishing goes back to the Victorian era, but was removed in the early 20th century in favor of finishing methods less labor.
However, this loss of art produces a sheen that is almost impossible to duplicate with mass production methods French Polish finishes are also very easy to repair.
To apply a French polish, you will need to denatured alcohol shellac, some FFFF pumice quality, 100 extra virgin olive oil or another pure oil, neutral, various paper grain wet dry glass extremely thin, wool or surgical gauze and a clean cotton cloth 100, old work great t-shirts You will also want a dropper bottle pharmacy will have these, some compression bottles with fine tips for gum -laque and alcohol and a salt shaker to pumice.
You can use pre-mixed shellac 2-lb, but I recommend the purchase of shellac flakes and mix yourself the extra effort will be rewarded.
Start by sanding your project in depth, using progressively finer grain sandpaper work your way up to at least one sheet of 400 grit.
Then wipe the entire project with a cotton cloth damp This will raise loose wood fibers, or bristles that are on the surface of the project to dry, then grind again with 400 grit sandpaper to bring down the hair to wipe the new project with a tack cloth followed by a slightly dampened cloth with denatured alcohol.
Alcohol removes the last of sawdust without discolor the wood.
To apply shellac, we will use a buffer, consisting of a well-wadded piece of wool or gauze, surrounded by a piece of cotton cloth To start, make a tight ball of wool or gauze, about diameter of a quarter Place this ball in the center of the center of 6 x 6 piece of cotton fabric, and fold all four corners to meet the top, forming a teardrop shape.
The idea is that the inner core of the pellet will act as a gum tank lacquer with a moderate amount of shellac stored in the core, pressing the timber will leave a thin coat of shellac on the surface of wood.
When applied, shellac is very sticky As such, it can be difficult to slide the shoe on the surface of the wood To fight against this problem, use a few drops of olive oil on the outer surface of the pad before each use If the pad becomes difficult to slip on the surface, add a little more oil on the pad because of how thin layers of shellac dry, pure oil will rise to the surface and will not affect the finish - all impurities found in oil can not install properly, so 100 pure, neutral oil such as olive oil is a necessity.
To start applying French polish finish, place a little shellac 2-lb in the pad valve core or press against the back of your casually to spread shellac evenly in the kernel The cotton fabric should not be saturated with shellac; we will want to apply extremely light, thin shellac layers of wood at a time, so less is more in this case.
Then place a few drops of olive oil as a lubricant on the pad.
The first layer of shellac will seal the wood, so you'll simply wipe the buffer goes with the grain of the wood Ideally, you'll want to avoid the start and stop at any time on the stock, as this will cause an excessive amount of shellac applied at this point, the best way I can describe is to use movement in a landing plane sweep the plate down on the wood as an airplane landing on a runway go with the grain.
When you reach the end of the timber, lift air cushion back off the track This will prevent stains or unsightly marks.
As you apply the sealant layer, you may find that the cotton cover of your pad will pick up small amounts of sawdust or other fine particles that were left When this happens, replace the outer cover of your pad with another piece of cotton cloth and a few drops of oil.
After the application of a single base layer even shellac, wait a few minutes and apply a second coat in the same way repeated again with a third base layer Remember to use the oil keep your pad glides smoothly.
Keep your pad in a sealed container in the air and allow the shellac dry completely.
Then you'll want to fill cracks and smooth the surface as much as possible with your kernel pad almost exhausted shellac, place new coverage on your pad and add ten drops of alcohol to the heart after evening the pad on the back your hands again, shake a little pumice on the surface of the work stamp small amounts of pumice in the wood using random motions, circular in small areas at a time not to work with the grain, as this will sweep pumice on the pores open until all the pores are filled and the sealant layer is extremely smooth.
To apply French polish, you go back to shellac in the buffer with a few drops of oil on a new cover cotton fabric start applying extremely thin layers of shellac in the room, working in random motions, circular with the firm, but even pressure on the wood This thin layer of shellac dries very quickly, so you can actually apply a number of thin layers in a session when the pad requires recharging, simply remove the buffer and add more shellac heart.
Literally, hundreds of strokes across the wood surface will be needed to complete this step When this is achieved, take a break and wait a few hours to allow the shellac dry completely.
You will need to repeat this process 6-8 times to get the desired finish.
Remember, always be sure to place your pad in an airtight container to save it for the next session.
Once the first layer is completely dry, place a small amount of alcohol in the ring buffer and the spirit of the surface, using the same technique used to track the application of the sealing layer This step will remove the oil that rose to the surface while the shellac was the hardening oil must be removed before applying the next layer.
Repeat the entire polishing process and spiriting until you have completed the required number of sessions.
Next, look at the surface from any angle under bright light If imperfections in the finish should be treated, sand wet dry sandpaper using 1200-grain and a few drops of oil Remove the sawdust with a very small amount of alcohol, and continue polishing and spiriting required to remove the defect and even finish.
At this point, you should have a spectacular finish, stainless, like a mirror on your woodworking project The French polish is completed, and you can just let the project is however a final glazing step to add sparkle.
Create a few drops of oil on the cover, a 1-lb shellac or clear up some of your mixture 2-lb Place a small amount in the buffer, and apply this mixture using the same landing blows pattern for you are now very adept the thinner layer of shellac will help fill the barely visible spots that may remain in the previous step sure to pay special attention to the corners and edges of the project, as they have tend to overlook Add as many layers of this final glazing necessary to achieve the finished look you desire.
How French Polish project woodworking, French, Polish, woodworking, project.