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Some refrigerators can cost more to repair than to replace.
A good refrigerator can last for years, but the environmental impact and your own personal at some point all refrigerators begin to decompose or become oppressive decision whether to replace your old refrigerator is based on several factors, including the amount of disrepair, needs.
A typical refrigerator has a 10 to life 20 years longer you have had your refrigerator, the more potential repair cost if the refrigerator is under the age of eight years, think about repairing If the refrigerator is older than 15 years old, consider replacing If the refrigerator is between eight and 15 years, you need to take other factors into consideration, such as the type of refrigerator and its environmental efficiency.
Some types of refrigerators are more difficult and expensive to repair than others, for example, built-in refrigerators are generally less expensive to repair, according to Consumer Reports, but side by side refrigerators can be good candidates for replacement if they are five years defective bottom freezers must be repaired within seven years and considered for replacement after the defective freezers high should usually be replaced if more than seven years.
Your refrigerator can cost you money to merely repair You might aspire unnecessary power and face high electric bills refrigerators 10 years uses twice the energy of a refrigerator associated with Energy Star, according to the Energy website Star If you have an old refrigerator, you may want to invest in a refrigerator Energy Star rated just to reduce electricity usage and costs This can benefit your wallet and the environment the type of refrigerator is also a difference in terms of energy consumption, for example, manual defrost units use less energy than the automatic defrost units, if properly maintained, and the units with freezers mounted on top generally use less energy units with lower secondary freezers or freezers.
The amount of damage to your current unit must be considered if you have several defective parts or the machine is just very old, it is time to replace If you have an extended warranty or service plan in effect, always try to do claim before throwing the refrigerator, but if you've had the unit for nearly a decade or more, you probably no active warranty If you still can t decide, contact an appliance repair expert for an estimate you can then determine if the cost of repair justify maintaining your current unit or invest in a new one.
Deciding when to replace a refrigerator Home Guides SF Gate, decide, replace, refrigerator.