France # 39; s health care system (ARCHIVE)
In addition, the cost of drugs in France is among the lowest in Europe A British Ministry of Health survey in 2008 of the cost of medicines in the EU and the United States have found drug prices in France about 10 less the UK and less than half the price of the same drugs purchased in the United States.
For users The French health care system is relatively simple for users - this means that practically all the world living and working in France, or dependent on someone living or working in France, and every retiree.
Primary Health Care Primary health care is provided by a network of 23,000 general practitioners in French, m physicians realistic gn a 1 GP per 2600 inhabitants Most GPs are independent professionals and work either on their own, or practices of the citizens group are free to choose the GP of need, and sign up with him as staff citizens doctor may consult with other GP they wish, but only the personal physician with whom they are registered is allowed to refer patients to a specialist or other health care provider - nurse, physiotherapist, etc. - for other care in the health care system in most cases, patients have to pay a flat fee for a visit to a general practitioner costs in 2017 is 23 per visit, unchanged for 4 years, regardless of the time taken, but it is higher for visits to surgeries open at night or on weekends, and home visits most of the costs will be automatically refunded to the patient by its CE provider State health Insuran, leaving the patient between zero and 6 euros to pay a standard trip to the doctor, depending on the type of health care insurance, he and age or the patient's health status Virtually all GPs in France are fixed agreement , that they signed a contract with the national system of health insurance to provide their services under the national health service, the rates agreed at national level.
Accidents and emergency services EI emergencies are part of the national health care system all cities and large towns have a known service as EMS, which is the paramedic emergency ambulance services and doctors SAMU are called in case of an accident or emergency and provide assistance on the spot before the transport of sick or injured to AE or other specialized units to the nearest hospital by providing the ambulance service EMS is used only for accidents and emergencies other routine ambulance work is carried out by private ambulance companies, outsourced to the state's health care system.
Specialist healthcare specialist health care is provided by thousands of specialists in all branches of medicine, in cities across the specialists in France charge higher fees than general practitioners, but again there has official rate agreed with the National health Service, which form the basis on which patients are reimbursed many specialists apply tariffs that are higher than the official rates; in such cases, patients will be reimbursed at the normal rate, or at a higher rate if their health insurance provider provides this as stated above, specialists visits in France are reimbursed by the health care system full rate if the patient was referred to a specialist by their own GP citizens may also visit a specialist they want, without being referred by their own GP; but if they do, the cost of specialist tour will be refunded to the base rate GP visit, but they paid the main exception to this is for dentists dental care is covered by the health service, but has its own prices and reimbursement rates generally most basic dental care - fillings, extractions, etc. - is performed and paid under almost the same conditions as other treatments for specialized healthcare other operations more complex are also reimbursed, but at lower rates.
Many experts share their time between consulting work in their own surgery or group practice, and hospital work Some work exclusively in their own practice, and work exclusively in hospitals or clinics, it is important to remember that specialists working outside public hospitals that are self -employed professionals, offering a private service that is paid by the patient, then quickly reimbursed by the state health insurance plan.
Drugs, general pharmaceuticals and specialists prescribe medicines and other pharmaceutical products which must then be achieved by the patient pharmacy It is rare that GPs, except perhaps on the night tours, to have drugs available to them in pharmacies, the pay-and- reimbursed principle applies again, with one major difference when visits to the doctor, the patient pays the full amount due, and is then reimbursed later, less percentage he must pay with patient pharmaceuticals only pays part of the cost which is not supported by the state health care system Thus, for a typical visit to the pharmacy with a prescription drugs costing, let s say, fifty euros, the patient will be charged between zero and fifteen euros, depending on the nature of the drugs and equipment presc laughs and coverage of health insurance, it there are four basic reimbursement rate for drugs 100 65 35 the normal rate and not reimbursed complementary health plans Surance called Mutual push these rates considerably.
Hospitals There are two kinds of hospitals in France; generally these are known as PM hospitals when they are managed by the state and private clinics when they are Most private clinics of state approved, and can work for the national service many health professionals working in hospitals run by the state and private clinics since they are independent professionals, they can sell their services at any hospital or clinic to pay them two general practitioners and specialists can refer patients for hospital treatment if deemed necessary; and as part of the health service, they can send them for treatment in a public hospital or a private clinic, as they consider the best for the purpose, or to provide the fastest service under the French health care system, patients are charged for a very small proportion of the cost of their hospital stay; the largest load that the patient must pay is 18 by the day of hospitalization expenses, mainly a contribution to the board and lodging provided by the hospital in most cases, most or all of the rest of the bill is paid by the state system Halth insurance and complementary health programs.
Administration The health care system is coordinated centrally by the Ministry of Health and administered by the actors, hospitals, clinics, physicians, other health care providers, pharmacies, companies ambulances, etc. The transfer of funds by the system between patients and health care providers is provided by the national health service, social security as often subcontracted to supplementary health insurance fund known as Mutual the system is computerized, since the introduction there are more than ten years of a smart insurance card disease known as the VITALE card work to make compulsory health insurance contributions payable by employers, employees and self-employed, is provided by an organization known as the URSSAF.
As health plans worldwide, the health insurance program of the French state has trouble making ends meet, and has increasingly Refills General State Budget An aging the population and the soaring costs of health care due to increasing expectations and developing new processes and expensive medicines, have put enormous pressure on the system reimbursement rates have been reduced in recent years, and some contributions more people complain about the cost, but at the same time very few voices are never heard in France calling for a reduction in the services provided in short, almost everyone in France knows that France is one of the best health services in the world, if not the best, and that is the envy of many other countries of the new solutions will be needed in the coming years to make sure the system contin ue to offer this high level of service; but there is more or less a consensus in total in France that whatever the cost may be, it will be worth it.
France USA people in France who lived with their national health service system for all or most of their lives, and know first hand how it works, were very surprised by the passions raised in the US by Obamacare They even greated difficulty understanding how Americans could elect the successor Obama Donald Trump, a man who promised to abolish universal healthcare in the US even the most conservative forces in French life support service National health and struggle to understand why some people in the US think that a compulsory health insurance scheme for all could be a bad thing.
chemist 24 pharmacies a 84 Avenue des Champs-Elysées 75008, Tel 0145 62 02 41b 6, place Clichy 75009, Tel 0148 74 65 18.
Healthcare in France the French health service, health care, France.