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American money are not accepted over the FP, and stores and tours that will probably take will give you a very bad exchange rate for it, you should definitely get a few francs from Tahiti to the airport bank when you get the bank on your left out of the customs immigration area is open to all incoming flights, even in the middle of the night.
Small shops and grocery stores do not take credit cards, but many of those larger, and you must use your credit card to charge things to get the best exchange rate Make sure and call your company credit card before leaving, to tell them that you do so they FP t freeze your card when you spend there, and also to ask them what their conversion fees are typically 1-4 of the invoiced amount.
Regarding the amount to exchange cash, which depend on the number of trips you go on this need for liquidity, and how many meals away from the resort, you'll eat in places that don t take cards credit also many gift souvenir sellers does not take credit cards.
American Express travel agencies in the US and buy sell selected currencies, including the PSC They charge about 12 5 for sale PSC and even buy it back with additional fees for non-customers AMEX.
There are two banks in Papeete airport 1 Bank of Polynesia is located in the main hall go left out of the customs immigration; it s past few shops Mareiti pearls and only provides an ATM machine and money Change 2 Socredo Bank is on the right as you exit immigration, and is located near the sidewalk outside, in front of the snack bar is open only during normal banking hours of the day, but it also has an ATM that is available when you arrive at night.
The Bank of Polynesia Money Changer beside his ATM takes currencies, eg US Dollars, and the problems you cfp currency If you can, avoid this machine, it loads a June 1 fees in May 2013, the same bank charges around 1 5 with an ATM cash withdrawal from an account in a bank transactions of US visa fees with foreign countries vary, but tend to be around 3.
If the details of the transaction at an ATM display issue for you, then you should write before approving the withdrawal; each of the 4 ATMs used in Papeete in May 2013 were paper to print transaction slips.
Banks Airport will give less favorable rates than SLIGHTLY banks of the city; however, their flat fee for currency exchange is much lower by about 5 per transaction, regardless of the amount exchanged, compared to 11 to 16 city dfifference The transaction rate is generally about 1-2 CPF per dollar, and, unless you cash in a huge amount of money, it is worth the convenience and savings on fixed costs to exchange the bank to the airport rather than making a separate trip into town or the bank on a different island to exchange your money.
You must show your passport for any currency exchange to a bank, so be sure to have with you.
French Polynesia Banks money, Polynesia, banks, money.