Friday, May 4, 2018

Were they French or Muslim torching cars for New Year's Eve

1067 cars torched in France New Year # 39; Eve | Check-out!

Cars burned in the New Year's Eve in Strasbourg piled pound, 1 Jan 2010 Jean-Marc Loos.
Another New Year's Eve, another series of cars in France fires and another wave of complaints from readers that we do does make these arsonists as В Muslim Robert Basler, who manages the reader comments, so reaction emails a history of Paris on new year's torchings he did a post on his blog good, bad and the Ugly reaction Reader Reuters news.
These readers are convinced people burned cars were Muslims and that was an important fact that we were hiding the  Just who do you think you are protecting, and even less to inform, leaving this small detail requires a reader named Hoss KKS player How many written “youths” were Muslims I think most†which side is I think Reuters is†It isn†t the right one, the French one or the US Reuters starts sounding more like Al Jereeza sic daily comment Dean signed the application were the youths who burned cars in France Muslim who does sic relevent to the story.
This echoes through these comments is the strength of conviction without proof В The only thing I agree with is that the appeal of these young people who follow the French practice doesn t tell us much about them, we could say vandals or offenders or arsonists, they were certainly but how do they know the perpetrators were Muslims or that a religious label was relevant as far as I can see, these players don t live in France, speaks language, know its society and politics or visit its tough suburbs, as our reporters are they may not know that there are no official statistics on religious or ethnic origins in France, so the statement that they want us to do can not be saved with authority If despite all this, they have strong evidence to support their claims, they must send in and we'll review it.
Riots in northern Paris after two young people died in the shooting of the police October 29, 2005.

We've been down this road before, during the riots in the suburbs in late 2005, some media and many blogs have talked about Muslim riots or intifada Paris and asked why we didn t jump on this bandwagon We have discussed in a blog post spelling here that there were factors or not specifically Islamic requirements in the demonstrations, the areas were mixed neighborhoods rather than Muslim ghettos and the unrest was an explosion of underclass ethnic against a company that has set the touches Certainly, there were Muslims among them, but there were non-Muslims and what value can we add to a news story by using dubious religious label to describe a political phenomenon and socio-economic.
Fires New Year traditional cars other factors not mentioned in this blog post earlier one of them is insurance fraud is estimated that about 20 such fires are actually Reorganize by the owners who pay gang to torch their old cars so that they can cash in on insurance Parisian daily Le Monde said they pay a few euros and can be paid up to 4,000 euros a 2008 law has made it even easier to claim this rebate if our history had gone deeper into the reasons, it would be worth mentioning.
Cars burned in protest of students against the new Labor Act, 28 March. 2006
Another element that readers outside of France does not seem to understand that political violence is as French as Brie and baguettes There are not only poor in the suburbs running amok in anger when they feel that the system has let down the farmers attacked cheaper trucks bringing goods unions Spain or Italy trade clashed with police trying to break their road or rail dam activist ecologistsВ destroying fields of genetically modified crops students lash out against changes in education laws or working street protests sometimes ends with some protesters ransacking of shops and cafes So these car fires are not an isolated phenomenon, but part of a pattern broader political violence that goes back at least until the French Revolution.
The idea that we want to protect the Muslims of the bad publicity takes just water when you go through stories and posts the Paris office has done on this blog alone, we had a team of positions french Muslim soccer refusing to play gay the ofВ problem forced marriages in the Muslim community, a Muslim man who divorced his new wife for not being a virgin failures french Council of the Muslim Faith or where Muslim men forbid doctors to treat their wives If the Muslim angle is relevant, we mention it.

It is difficult not to conclude that people who send comments like those copied want above us to stop reporting on events in their complexity and begin profiling people with biased simplicity is what our readers want.

Were they French or Muslim torching cars for New Year's Eve, they, French, Muslims burned.