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By Ray Hansen, content specialist, AgMRC, Iowa State University В В updated in November 2009 by Diane Huntrods, AgMRC, Iowa State University В В.
Overview At present, the US law, it is illegal to raise trade but industrial hemp Cannabis sativa, many states and national initiatives are working to make the production of industrial hemp to States States, where it was once an important food crop and fiber uses for industrial hemp are growing rapidly and have increased more than 300 percent in recent years, much of this growth comes from the increase sales of hemp food products.
hemp production history was born there thousands of years in Central Asia The plant is one of the oldest textile fiber sources Indeed, hemp rivals the linen as the main textile fiber up in the mid 19th century.
The harvest was brought to North America in Port Royal, Canada, in 1606, industrial hemp is not the most important food crop in the early history of the United States, used for sails, ropes, canvas, ropes, clothing and paper Its various uses made a necessary culture for farmer†s and the existence of countryвЂ.
The hemp industry has flourished in Kentucky, Missouri and Illinois between 1840 and 1860 due to strong demand sailcloth and drawstring From then until World War II, almost all of hemp in the United States was produced in Kentucky during the war, some hemp cultivation took place in Kentucky, California and most states Midwestern with the adoption of the tax Act marijuana in 1938 the production of hemp in the bulk in the US ended the Second World war led to a brief revival of the cultivation of hemp in the Midwest, because war has cut off the supply of fiber for rope, boots , uniforms and small parachute cord and Marcus 2002   new manufacturing technologies, crop diversification, increased use of wood products and the development of synthetic fabrics all helped to lower production chan As the use of fever hemp†decreased as loyalty trim This decrease resulted more confusion between the values of industrial hemp to the problems related to its similarity to marijuana.
In the 1950s, the national opposition found in the anti-drug law that made it illegal to raise plant cannabis varieties This total eradication of the culture has been designed to improve the fight against drug marijuana production illegal Meanwhile, all hemp became classified as a drug under the law on controlled substances and then placed control of hemp production under the control of the drug Enforcement administration DEA rather than the US Department of Agriculture USDA В В hemp and marijuana the confusion between industrial hemp and marijuana is based on visual similarities in very different varieties of plants by definition, industrial hemp is high in fiber and low in THC tetrahydrocannabinal active, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana making certain varieties of cannabis drugs valued in Canada and the Union European maintain this distinction strictly regulating levels of THC industrial hemp, requiring that it be less than 3 percent 0, comp aRED to THC levels between 3 to 15 percent of marijuana.
Most pro-hemp initiatives in the United States are now focusing on the definition and distinction between industrial hemp and marijuana Some pro-hemp supporters would pass control of the production of American hemp DEA supporters of the legalizing hemp USDA also claim that the new technology to distinguish THC levels on both the ground and air will allow the implementation of adequate production.
Added value uses hemp is a crop that can be grown for food and non-food purposes Due to its many nutritional benefits, many new food products containing hemp seed and its oil find their way onto the market, including pasta, tortilla chips, salad dressings, snack foods and desserts frozen drinks non-dairy hemp milk, which provide significant amounts of omega 3 essential fatty acids and proteins, are also available L hemp oil is also used in nutraceuticals and health products.
As a source of fiber, hemp is growing rapidly as a natural fiber in everything from clothing and textile composites for automotive fiber is also gaining popularity as insulation.
A conservative estimate of the total value of hemp products sold in the United States in 2007 is 350 million The current annual market in the United States for hemp yarn and fabric is estimated at 15 million range Hemp Industries Association estimates the retail trade in North America textile hemp market and tissue exceeded 100 million in 2007 and develops around 10 percentВ year retail healthcare market, including lotions and oils, is estimated to sell more than 30 million of hemp products in the United States each year.
Hemp seeds Hemp seeds can be used directly as a food ingredient or crushed for oil and meal The seed is also used in bird seed mixtures Canada is the largest supplier of hemp seed products to States United.
Whole hemp seeds are composed of about 45 percent oil, protein, 35 percent and 10 percent carbohydrates and fiber According to AAFC, hemp seed and its by-products can be used for complete diets low in essential fatty acids to maintain good health Hemp is one of only two plants containing two essential fatty acids and gamma-linolenic acid GLA GLA was found that many properties ranging from anti-inflammatory to anti-depression.
Hemp Bast hemp fibers, the outer surface of the hemp stalk, has longer fibers and is used for hurds hemp textile, inner woody part of the stem, have shorter fibers are highly absorbent, making and excellent bedding animals special machines is required to separate the external hemp fiber greater of the internal fibers.
The most important products made from hemp fibers are cigarette paper, bank notes, technical filters and hygiene products similar uses include art paper and tea bags Other important hemp products plastic composites for cars and thermal insulation Many of these applications benefit from hemp†s high tear and moisture resistance.
well-known European companies, such as Mercedes-Benz and BMW, now use hemp for automotive interiors, including door panels and dashboards suppliers to the automotive industry in the United States follow the European example and started to use hemp to make stronger, lighter and relatively less: expensive composite panels.
China is the source of most of the hemp fiber in the U hemp garment industry, growing nearly 2 million acres of hemp.
Hemp seed oil One of the most dynamic markets for hemp seed oil is health care products Large quantities of EFA in hemp oil makes it an ideal ingredient in topical lotions, lip balms, conditioners, shampoos, soaps and shaving products hemp oil can also be used as cooking oil and salad dressings, spreads and dips.
Hemp seeds contain 30 percent of its weight in the EFA-rich oil, providing an ideal combination of Omega 3 and Omega 6 for long-term use hemp seed oil may have health benefits diabetes, cancer, lupus, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, depression and hypertension.
Production of Industrial Hemp Grown plants usually consist of a main stem slender leafy Considered a low maintenance crop, hemp plants typically reach between 6 to 15 feet tall Depending on requirements, the variety and conditions climate, the period between the beaches of planting and harvesting of 70 to 140 days one acre of hemp can produce an average of 706 pounds of grain, which can be pressed into 21 liters of oil and 529 pounds of flour the same acre also produce an average of 2 to 4 tonnes metric tons of straw which can be converted into about 6 0 MT fibers.
Experts indicate that production costs can be reduced by growing hemp as a dual-use crop, using both grain and fiber of each plant Among the 27 varieties authorized by law for culture in Canada in 2007, some varieties are better suited to the production of fibers, other producing significant quantities of cereals and some produced a double harvest of grains and fiber.
Industrial hemp can be an excellent rotation crop for traditional crops because it suppresses weeds and reduces outbreaks of insect problems and hemp diseases can also rebuild and soil conditions by replacing the organic matter and to provide the ventilation thanks to its extensive root system.
US Status of hemp production in 2002, Hawaii became the first state to reopen licenses for the production of research hemp under strict regulatory supervision since 23 States have conducted dialogues at the legislative level can open the way a possible reintroduction of hemp production Among those states, 14 have adopted a political resolution to advance the issue five more states joined in Hawaii to reduce barriers to the production of hemp at the national search, legislative efforts continue in the hope of changing federal policies that limit the industrial hemp industry.
The imports of domestic hemp industry continues to import hemp seeds, hemp oil and hemp fiber for many products These products can all be legally marketed in the United States over industrial hemp used in US products is imported from Canada.
These hemp food manufacturers in French Meadow Bakery, Hempzels, Living Harvest, Manitoba Harvest, the way of nature, Nutiva Hemp Foods and Ruth make their products with Canadian hemp Other US companies that manufacture or sell products hemp include Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps, a California company that spends more than 100 000 per year to import Canadian hemp oil and FlexForm Technologies, an Indiana company that makes natural fiber materials for cars.
Canadian Status  hemp production  Canada Industrial Hemp re-legalized in the 1990s the government supported the hemp industry resurgent country†by changes in laws and regulations, and with funding from the market development.
Canada allowed commercial production of industrial hemp for seed and for fiber since 1998 permits are required, and there are strict guidelines as to who can develop the culture and what varieties they can grow.
Nearly 180 Canadian farmers currently benefit from hemp market and are increasingly growing provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan are the main producers of industrial hemp, with the largest area licensed for hemp production According to Canadian trade Alliance ACCC hemp, the trade association representing the Canadian hemp industry, Canadian farmers planted more than 48,000 acres of hemp in 2006, a new record, twice the 2005 area and six times the 2004 area of about 4000 acres Canadian farmers reported a net profit of 200 to 250 acres by В.
Some Canadian companies in the hemp industry reported 20 to 40 percent business growth in recent years, retail sales of all derivative Canadian hemp seed products are now estimated to be as high as 20 to 40 million per year the farm gate value of the Canadian hemp industry is about 7 million per year.
According to Statistics Canada, the country exported 876 tons of hemp in 2007, which was rated at 3 5 million Canadian that year, Canada exported 700 tons of hemp seeds, 99 tons of hemp fiber and 77 tons of hemp oil Nearly 60 percent of Canada's hemp exports were sent to the United States.
Global Status of hemp production worldwide research and development has led to an increase of new innovative uses for hemp Unlike the United States, over 30 countries have continued to grow and process the world's leading industrial production of hemp hemp include Canada, Germany, England and France.
The European Industrial Hemp Association EIHA said 15 to 20 companies in the EU European Union and 5 to 10 businesses being Eastern hemp In 2001, the seven largest companies have a total of approximately 25,000 acres under cultivation contract, producing about 20 000-25000 tons of fiber, about a third of world production.
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In Eastern Europe, traditional hemp producing countries Hungary, Poland and Romania are struggling to improve their traditional hemp cultivation methods and processing and build modern facilities Hungary produced the string and pressboard, while Romania is the leading European supplier of hemp yarn and fabric EIHA В.
Production cars_7 French, Production, French, hemp production status.