Sunday, April 30, 2017

@ Hong French BEM CarPeugeotCitroen Transported by road company Deutsche Bahn

BgA - Dong Dae Saya (똥 싸야 돼) [Official Music Video]

French car Peugeot Citroen Transported by German railways Seock-Jin HONG Society, Professor, BEM Bordeaux Management School.
Euro Cargo RailECR replaced the French freight company Fret SNCF for transporting PSA Peugeot and Citro ë n cars on behalf of GEFCO ECR since December 2011, the French subsidiary was DB freight transport to rail aid since 2005 in France GEFCO, a subsidiary of PSA Peugeot Citroen, is the transport of cars since 1949 GEFCO has a large fleet of its own wagons for transporting Peugeot and Citro ë n cars Euro Cargo rail long-haul offer and shunting locomotives and puts the trains together in the two hubs ECR also uses the extended DB Schenker rail network, main rail freight company ECR Europe has leased half the tracks of the operator of the French RFF infrastructure ECR is also based on cooperation with the private french rail freight companies Europorte and Colas, each of which takes on part of the transport.
Euro Cargo Rail Gevrey near Dijon the central hub for its transports for GEFCO Gevrey is one of the largest yards in the country Marshalling yards of about 3500 meters long - about the same length as the track of A380 or a jumbo jet Airbus this center in Burgundy is where almost all trains meet with new cars PSA of five plants in France and two other plants in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, to sort on trains in 15 centers distribution in France and other European countries ECR has leased half the tracks of the operator of the French RFF infrastructure GEFCO has set up a second, smaller Ach hub res, near Paris, for it PSA can also plants handling cars in Aulnay and Poissy RCT and its partners run 50 trains a day to GEFCO, most of them by Gevrey 50 trains per week - 550,000 new cars transported annually between Paris and Marseille for this road connects ECR longest wagon train with 833 meters before 750 m with the highest speed of 120 km / h before h 100 km.
Today in Europe, the ability of small goods greatly improves the use of rail carloads in Gevrey, RCT manages the cargo in two and a half hour because of their innovative logistics capacity thus transformed from Gevrey Simple complex logistics center station.
The automotive market is a strategic market for European industry and especially for closely related logistics companies in automotive sector in Western Europe have almost 500 cars per 1,000 persons regarding the economy and the environment, it means that the market will continue to maintain the level short-term rental, car sharing and car rentals are becoming more popular DB Schenker UK contract also rail transport BMW Mini cooper 78,000 cars annually between Oxford and Southampton trend the rail car increases.

Privatization is a key factor for successful ecological logistics service using more rail freedom and motivation, most innovative environment for developing a diversified service will be given to further privatization of the rail industry, the separation of infrastructure and network will be considered in addition, more logistics provider service will easily took part without any barrier to enter other words, privatization is not an objective of privatization is a way to provide the most open market to innovate market and industry.
GEFCO is a leading transportation and logistics companies in Europe The company was founded in 1949 and part of the group PSA Peugeot Citroen ë n automotive group, working for a number of international groups, including the big names of automotive industry and component suppliers, air and space travel, electronics, consumer goods, capital goods and industries of GEFCO equipment 9,400 employees in 29 countries across Europe, Africa North, Asia and South America in 2010, the group recorded a turnover of 3 4 billion, more than three quarters came from overseas markets one-third of the annual revenue comes the outbound automotive logistics GEFCO carried 2 7 million cars, half of them by rail and half by sea But PSA has a plan to sell a majority stake to over 50 to raise funds and lower debt because of the recent European economic crisis would be the candidate Geodis, a subsidiary of SNCF.
The private French rail freight company Euro Cargo Rail ECR was founded in 2005 and is part of the DB Group in November 2007 with the acquisition of the British company EWS now DB Schenker Rail UK The company, based in Paris, is an important link in the European DB Schenker today the railway network, allowing the long-term international transport of central Europe to Spain and Britain in addition to the national transport in France RCT employs 830 people and owns 2,000 cars, 135 locomotives and 60 french customers with 155 destinations in Europe in 2010, the company recorded a turnover of 110 million.
Figure 1 Network GEFCO Source; railways, No. 1, 2012.

Figure 2 RCTs new Hub in Gevrey, France, Source; railways, No. 1, 2012.
Figure 3 A shunt the center Gevrey, near Dijon, assembles cars of trains transporting new cars.
In the PSA Source group; railways, No. 1, 2012 End.

@ Hong French BEM CarPeugeotCitroen Transported by road company Deutsche Bahn, Hong French, transportation, German.