Tuesday, March 14, 2017

French classic cars usually citroen classic

Why Love Citroen Classic Car Aficionados

Released in 1934, the front traction, as the name suggests, was a pulling car before - the first mass produced in the world He was as elegant and sexy photo above.
The 2CV was introduced in 1948 as a car that everyman could afford, and remained in production for 42 years, largely unchanged in appearance it has achieved its goal of founders and millions have been produced, and until recently were quite a common site on French roads.
Introduced in 1955, the Citroën DS had some radical features, including being the first car to have disc brakes, and suspension of curious self-leveling that Citroen used for many years I am sure my grandfather go for a drive in his Citroen just for the fun to start the car up and feel with elegance super stylish new position for its time, the DS came in later versions whose domain and convertibles.
Perhaps the last Citroën to be regarded as a classic car, the SM as you can guess from the picture was introduced in 1974. Developed from its predecessor, the DS, it was much more powerful and had stars make the car sports of the company during the first half of the 1970s.

Little known these days outside experts and amateurs, Delage was a French car manufacturer very successful between the two world wars, build expensive and powerful cars for many years during the Delage cars the mid 1920s has won many the most important driving competitions British example grand Prix, Indianapolis 500.
Produced in France from 1960 to 1975, the Peugeot 404 is best known outside the country - in developing countries, especially in Africa, it was a very popular vehicle because it was so strong and reliable production outside France continued until the end of the 1980 s and many an African taxi company still relies on the car.
Designed by Pininfarina, the famous Italian sports car, the 403 was produced from 1955 to 1966 His biggest claim to fame was that Colombo has led a convertible version in the popular television series was the predecessor Peugeot 404 above.
Now it is a small attractive car I had never heard of Panhard until I came across it at a local car event - seems they were an important engine manufacturer in the early 20th century, and focused on the production of cars up to 1960 s when they were supported by Citroen.

And the production of a large series of classic cars Citroen also managed to produce two classic vans.
The van showed, the Citroen HY, was much loved by French traders for many years and is still an occasional show on the road is brother much smaller, the Citroën Acadiane, was the precursor of the small transport van in common and is still regularly seen transporting hunters and their dogs in the country Sunday morning.

French classic cars usually citroen classic, French, classic, cars.