Most & least reliable cars
The 100 most reliable cars in the last decade in order.
In these pages, we focus on the design, breakthroughs, enabling technologies and concepts and it is rare that we look product that has been on the market for some time, much less product second hand, but when we saw that the car warranty company's business in the UK was up, we know you'll agree it's worth mentioning as private insurance intermediary, the company collects a lot of data on warranty issues something you'll never find only other people who have access to information manufacturers in a very clever move, he took these secondary data and produces a reliability index of an independent comparison of failure frequency through the 55,000 vehicles it ensures your reading for a list of used cars 100 most reliable in the past decade and before taking a look at a guess where the best Japanese, German, Swedish, British, Korean and French built the cars will classify you won t even come close.